
  • 网络Horizontal lateral force;Wracking force
  1. 建筑结构考虑刚度变化的Pushover水平侧向力分布

    Lateral load distribution for pushover analysis considering story stiffness for building structures

  2. 水平侧向力会导致自旋导弹不稳定飞行。

    Horizontal side force may cause instability of spinning missile .

  3. 在水平侧向力作用下移动式起重机倾覆稳定性的验算方法底框结构在倾覆力矩作用下附加轴力的计算

    Calculation for the extra normal force of column of masonry structure with ground frame acted by seismic overturning moment

  4. 模拟试验较真实的反映了,T形短肢剪力墙在轴压力和逐步加载水平侧向力共同作用下的响应。

    The simulative test real reflects the response of T-shaped short-leg shear wall in the axial compression and gradually increasing horizontal side force together .

  5. 分析结果表明开挖结束后坑底出现了比较小的回弹,开挖后坑外土体的水平侧向应力有所减小,连续墙的最大水平侧移发生在最大正弯矩的位置。

    Results turn out that , heave of pit base is small . The lateral earth pressure is reduced after the excavation .

  6. 通过对水平摆式圆盘犁的水平机构、机组侧向力平衡机构、机组整体参数的设计计算,提出水平摆式圆盘犁的设计方法。

    A design method on level swing beam disc plough was put forward by designing and calculating of level swing beam mechanism , side force balance mechanism and overall parameters .