
  1. 结果表明,通过在TLS中利用SFS技术正确的指认特定污染物,并以Gaussian拟合进行有效地提取,可以进行水体污染物的快速、实时和在线监测。

    The results indicated the possibilities of water quality monitoring in real time and on line based upon SFS technique and fitting Gaussian of the least squares method .

  2. 水体污染物三致效应的生物监测研究进展

    A review on pollutant 's carcinogenicity-mutagenicity - teratogenicity in water with biomonitoring

  3. 水体污染物为导向的流域环境审计模式

    Drainage Basin Environmental Audit Model Directed by Water Pollutants

  4. 以前的研究主要集中在上覆水体污染物浓度的研究上。

    Previous studies focused on the overlying water research on the pollutant concentration .

  5. 本文还介绍现有拉曼数据库的知识以及我们自行建立的水体污染物拉曼光谱数据库的构成部分和主要内容。

    We present the components of our Raman spectral database of pollutants in water .

  6. 超声降解处理水体污染物的研究状况与发展

    Purification of contaminated water by ultrasonic degradation

  7. 结果表明,这些水体污染物不但对蝌蚪的生存造成危害,还对蝌蚪的红细胞有致畸作用;

    The results showed that water pollution factors can affect survival of tadpole , induce the red blood cell abnormal .

  8. 作为一种新型的零价铁材料,海绵铁在处理水体污染物的过程中显示了较强的处理能力。

    As a new type of zero-valent iron , sponge iron possesses positive capacities for removing pollutants from water body .

  9. 仅靠木炭填料吸附、截留作用去除水体污染物能力有限。

    The charcoal filling has tenuity effect in the improvement of water quality were only by its absorption and interception function .

  10. 流域水环境模型通过模拟水体污染物的迁移转化过程,反映水质变化规律,是流域水质管理中的重要工具。

    The water quality model is an important tool in watershed management by simulating the migration and transformation of water pollutants .

  11. 硼及其同位素对水体污染物的示踪研究

    A review of studies on sources and migration of various contaminants in surface and ground waters by using boron and its isotopes

  12. 运用定量分析的方法探讨了三峡库区水体污染物的来源,包括工业废水、城市污水、生活垃圾、农田地表径流、船舶污染对三峡库区水质污染的影响。

    Quantitatively analyzed the contribution of different water pollution sources including industrial wastewater , urban sewage , urban solid waste , runoff of farmland and marine vehicle pollution .

  13. 本文从论述水体污染物来源和种类的角度出发,详细探讨了水体富营养化问题的形成机制和国内外普遍采用的切实可行的防治措施。

    This paper expounds the sources of water pollutant and kinds of , and discusses its mechanism formed in detail and the practicable prevention means at home and abroad .

  14. 本文分析了水流-泥沙-污染物系统中主要物理化学过程对水体污染物的影响,以此为基础推导了描述吸附态、溶解态污染物迁移转化的基本方程。

    Based on the analysis on the influence of physical-chemical process on water pollution the basic equations for describing the transport and transform of soluble and absorbable pollutant in sediment flow are established .

  15. 水质模型是水体污染物迁移转化模拟的主要工具,在水环境保护、水污染防治等领域得到了广泛地应用。

    Water quality model is a key tool of water pollutant transport and transform simulation . It is widely used in the field of water environment protection and water pollution prevention and cure .

  16. 最后,本文对基于元胞自动机的瞬时点源水体污染物扩散漂移分析方法的应用进行了分析研究。

    It will make the simulation of the Drift-diffusion more realistic and accurate . Finally , this paper analyzed the applications of the Drift-diffusion method based on the cellular automata instantaneous point water pollution .

  17. 这一方法只要在具备足够精度和系列的污染物出入库资料、水体污染物储存量监测资料以及相关水文资料的情况下,具有较高的计算精度。

    This approach of analysis proves to be quite accurate with abundant and precise data on the input and output of pollutants , the inspection information of the accumulation of water pollutants and other concerned hydrologic information .

  18. 极少数天然矿物微孔道分子筛效应孕育有净化分子型气体污染物的作用,而大多数天然矿物超微孔道离子筛效应却孕育有净化离子型水体污染物的作用。

    The molecular sieves of the microchannel of handful natural minerals have the function of purifying molecular gas pollution , whereas the ionic sieves of ultra-microchannel of most natural minerals are likely to purify ionic water contaminates .

  19. 随着环境管理工作的不断深入,人们愈来愈认识到,仅对污染源实行浓度控制是无法达到水环境质量目标,只有同时对水体污染物排放的绝对量(总量)进行控制,才能有效地控制污染。

    With the progress of environment management , people have realized that the objective of the water quality won 't come true only with implement concentration control on pollution source . Implement total amount control on contamination discharge is necessary for pollution control .

  20. 但昂贵的仪器和分析软件价格使拉曼光谱技术的应用主要限制在研究领域,自行设计搭建具有专门用途的拉曼光谱系统(例如分析检测水体污染物)切实可行。

    The Raman technique has been confined to the only research purpose due to the high price of the Raman spectrometer and the analysis software . It 's feasible to set up our own RS system for special purpose , for example detecting the pollutants in water .

  21. 显微分光光度计对水体有机污染物诱导的转化细胞DNA含量的分析

    Analysis on DNA content of trasformation cells induced by extracts of water using microspectrophotometer

  22. 阐述了ASE的技术性能和特点,分析了该技术在水环境监测中的应用,探讨了水体有机污染物监测技术的发展前景。

    ASE can be used for an overall monitoring of organic pollutants in water environment , and has a big potential for development .

  23. 应用DEM进行流域刻划,结合小流域地表水质监测分析数据,分析了流域水体中污染物的时空分布特征以及土地利用方式对地表水质的影响。

    This thesis constructs a basic spatial database using GIS which includes landuse , type of soil , DEM and sub-watershed , The distribution of fluvial contamination and influence of land use on surface water are analyzed by combining the monitoring data of surface water .

  24. 运用季节性Kendall检验法对2000&2004年的水质监测数据进行趋势分析,白洋淀湿地水体有机污染物呈上升趋势。

    The thesis use " seasonal Kendall " methord combine water quality monitoring data of 2000-2004 to calculate , the last conclusion is that the organic pollution of Baiyang Lake is on the rise .

  25. 生化需氧量(BOD)是表征水体有机污染物含量的重要指标,但BOD标准检测方法5-d稀释培养法具有耗时长、结果重现性差等缺陷。

    Biochemical oxygen demand ( BOD ) is an important indicator which reflects organic pollutants in water . The standard method to detect BOD , 5-d diluted culture method , is time-consuming and shows poor result reproducibility .

  26. 疏浚对影响底泥向上覆水体释放污染物的研究

    Influence of Dredging on Releasing Pollutants from Sediment to Overlying Water

  27. 水体中污染物的扩散输移规律是水环境研究中的一个基础课题。

    Pollutant transport is an important and basic topic in environmental problems .

  28. 淮河水体优先污染物的筛选与风险评价

    Prioritization and Risk assessment of Organic Pollutants in Huai River

  29. 西江流域水体有机污染物及大分子有机质的研究

    Particulate Organic Matter and Organic Pollutants in Water Body of the Xijiang River

  30. 水体中污染物降解过程的强化技术

    Reinforcement technologies for degradation of pollutants in water