
shuǐ xià hùn nínɡ tǔ
  • Underwater concrete;subaqueous concrete
  1. 论述了JS水下混凝土抗分散剂的作用机理主要表现在桥架作用,表面活性作用和桥键作用3个方面。

    The paper states its action mechanism mainly expresses in bridge action , surface activated action and bonding action .

  2. 根据水下混凝土施工的需求研制出一种新型JS水下混凝土抗分散剂。

    New JS dispersion resistance agent for under water concrete is developed as per the requirement of concrete construction under water .

  3. 结果表明,JS水下混凝土抗分散剂具有良好的水下抗分散性能,各项性能均能满足水下工程施工的需要。

    The results show that it has good dispersion resistance under water , every property can meet the requirement of under water engineering construction .

  4. 大面积水下混凝土结构加固补强方法研究

    A Technique for Reinforcing and Strengthening of Large-size Underwater Concrete Structure

  5. 用直升导管法灌注水下混凝土的质量控制

    Adopting Direct Rising Tremie Method Pouring Underwater Concrete 's Quality Controlling

  6. 水下混凝土在重力式桥墩施工中的运用

    Application of Concrete underwater in the Construction of Gravity Type Pier

  7. 用导管法灌注的水下混凝土GB4084-1983承插式自应力钢筋混凝土输水管

    Spigot and socket self-stressed reinforced concrete pipe used for water delivery

  8. 水下混凝土灌注常见事故分析及处理措施探讨

    Analysis on Usual Accidents in Underwater Concrete Pouring and its Countermeasures

  9. 灌注水下混凝土常见导管事故的防治

    Prevention and cure of common tube accident in pouring underwater concrete

  10. 钻孔灌注桩水下混凝土的配制方法

    Compound Mothod of Underwater Concrete of Drill Hole Grouting Pile

  11. 钻孔桩水下混凝土灌注时导管操作关键技术

    The Key Technology of Bored Piles Poured Underwater Concrete with Tremie Method

  12. 直升导管浇筑水下混凝土方法的应用及特点分析

    Applying and Analyzing on Characteristics of Placing Concrete under Water with Tremies

  13. 桩基础水下混凝土灌注的技术控制

    The Technological Control of underwater Concrete Grouting of Pile Foundation

  14. 水下混凝土可推广应用于大坝水下加固或修复工程。

    Underwater concrete can be used in reinforcement and repair of dams .

  15. 水下混凝土储油罐温度场数模优化计算与分析

    A Numerical Model of Temperature Field of Underwater Concrete Oil Storage Tank

  16. 低流动性损失水下混凝土抗分散剂的性能研究

    Properties of Anti - Dispersion Agent for Low Fluidity Loss Underwater Concrete

  17. 天桥水电站围堰水下混凝土的施工

    Subaqueous Concreting in Cofferdam Construction of Tianqiao Hydroelectric Station

  18. 大直径水下混凝土灌注桩成桩质量影响因素

    Influential Factor on Quality of Large Diameter Underwater Concrete Cast in place pile

  19. 钻孔灌注桩基础水下混凝土施工常见问题及处理

    Common Problems and Treatment on Underwater Concrete Construction with Bored Caisson Pile Foundation

  20. 钻孔桩施工及水下混凝土灌注事故的预防处理

    The prevention and treatment of bored pile construction and underwater concrete pouring accidents

  21. 可用于水下混凝土结构裂缝修补的注浆材料

    Grout material for patching cracks of underwater concrete structure

  22. 水下混凝土配合比设计及其施工

    The design for the mix proportion of under water concrete and its construction

  23. 免振捣自流平水下混凝土技术的研究和应用

    Research and application of the non-quiver self-flowing underwater concrete

  24. 水下混凝土灌注桩浇筑卡管原因及防治措施

    Causes of seized tube in under-water concrete cast-in-place pile construction and prevention measures

  25. 水下混凝土灌注桩施工的几点注意事项及事故处理

    Underwater Casting of Concrete Cast-in-place Pile and Emergency Treatment

  26. 水下混凝土灌注桩施工工艺与质量控制

    The Construction Craftsmanship and its Quality Control in the Underwater Concrete Cut-in-place Pile

  27. 水下混凝土施工技术及关键材料

    Construction Technology and Key Materials of Underwater Concrete

  28. 直升导管法灌注水下混凝土卡管事故防治

    Prevention and treatment of line blockage in underwater concrete construction by direct pipe method

  29. 本文着重介绍水下混凝土灌注施工中的常见事故及相应的处理措施。

    The causes of faulted borehole concrete-pouring stakes and the treatment measures on it ;

  30. 深水超长钻孔桩成孔工艺及水下混凝土施工技术

    Hole-making Technology of Deep Water Ultra Long Hole-drilling Pile and Submarine Concrete Construction Technology