
  • 网络MERCUROUS CHLORIDE;mercurous chlorid
  1. 超声跟踪反常氯化亚汞声光器件的设计及性能分析

    Design and performance analysis of beam steering birefringent mercurous chloride AO device

  2. 氯化亚汞的制备方法及化学反应方程式。

    Mercurous chloride ( Hg2Cl2 ) which is similar to the modern methods of preparation of mercuride and equation of chemical reaction .

  3. 氯化亚汞,甘汞,一氧化汞基于电流极性比较的抗电流互感器饱和新方法

    A Novel Method for Current Transformer Saturation Countermeasure Based on Comparing Two Currents ' Polarities

  4. 巯基功能化沸石吸附Hg~(2+)特征及固化/稳定化含汞废物研究氯化亚汞,甘汞,一氧化汞

    Characteristics of mercury sorption and stabilization / solidification of mercury-contaminated hazardous wastes by thiol-functionalized zeolites

  5. 铝合金硫酸阳极氧化膜棕红色印迹成因分析氯化亚汞,甘汞,一氧化汞

    Formation analysis of brown red spots on the surface of sulfuric acid anodic oxide film on aluminium alloy

  6. 提出用环氧树脂聚合物作为缓冲层,设计氯化亚汞声光器件的换能器。

    A method using oxygen resin polymer as buffer coat to design the transducer for Hg2Cl2 acousto-optic device is proposed .

  7. 其它用矿物制成的药包括甘汞(氯化亚汞),泻药;溴化钾,镇静药;葡萄糖钙,用于治疗佝偻

    " Other drugs made from minerals include calomel ( mercurous chloride ), a laxative ; potassium bromide , a sedative ; and calcium gluconate , used in the treatment of rickets . "

  8. 实验结果表明,以汞、盐、矾三成分原料,在普通条件下炼制产物只能得氯化亚汞而非氯化汞。

    The experimental result shows that in ordinary conditions the sublimation of preparations from three raw materials ( mercury , common salt and vitriols ) yield as product only mercurous chloride rather than mercuric chloride .