
yīn yūn
  • dense;thick;enshrouding;dense mist
氤氲 [yīn yūn]
  • [dense mist] 烟气、烟云弥漫的样子;气或光混合动荡的样子

  • 灵山多秀色,空水共氤氲。——唐· 张九龄《湖口望庐山瀑布泉》

  • 云烟氤氲

氤氲[yīn yūn]
  1. 既能弥漫的让人流连忘返,又能氤氲着使人自我陶醉。

    Both diffuse hard to forget , but also dense with people narcissism .

  2. 氤氲的梦乡,还记否:那个下雪的夜晚,卡布奇诺在杯中摇曳的一抹真心?

    Dense dreams , but also not have forgotten : that snow night , cappuccino in the cup touch of swaying really ?

  3. 灵山多秀色,空水共氤氲。(张九龄《湖口望庐山瀑布泉》)

    The mountains in beauty dressed stand awed by that magical sight , | of the wedding of heaven and earth in a waterfall 's headlong flight .

  4. 回忆氤氲着,在我的脑海里,并将我围困。

    Til the walls are goin'up in smoke with all our memories .

  5. 烟气氤氲并不代表丧尸的秋日;

    That smoke-air mingling is not the hanging Autumn .

  6. 氤氲的芬芳,是爱,冉冉升起。

    It is love , that gradually raise in fragrant garden of flowers .

  7. 现实在我的身体周围氤氲,但我还依然活在我的梦里。

    Reality constantly revolves around my body , yet I 'm still in dream .

  8. 孔子的仁学中,氤氲着丰厚的敬畏伦理思想。

    It contains Abundant revering the ethics theory in the Confucius theory of goodness .

  9. 野性的大地被深峻的峡谷撕裂,也覆盖著热气氤氲的森林。

    A wild landscape is riven by deep gorges and clothed in steamy forests .

  10. 理解在时间的境域中氤氲着诗性智慧的光焰生生不息。

    Comprehension is proceeding in time situation enshrouded with flame and light of poetic wisdom .

  11. 水晶球迷漫着烟雾氤氲。

    Frost and fog covers crystal balls .

  12. 在暖烘烘的氤氲里那燠热的光

    In a warm haze the sultry light

  13. 神性氤氲的生命形态&沈从文小说生命主题研究

    Life Form under the Cover of Divinity : The Subject of Life in SHEN Cong-wen 's Novels

  14. 空气像一个烤箱,一片氤氲的薄雾在人和天空之间跃动。

    The air seemed like an oven , and a haze hung between us and the sky .

  15. 情至不能已氤氲化作诗&浅析情感与文学艺术的关系

    Creation in poems because of unrestrained emotion & Brief analysis on the relationship between emotion and literary art

  16. 《红楼梦》十二支曲,氤氲着佛教的慈悲气象与悲悯精神。

    The twelve songs in A Dream of Red Mansion are filled with sympathetic and merciful spirit of Buddhism .

  17. 一些艳丽的青藤缠在竹丛上,开着白色和粉色的花朵,空气中氤氲着香气。

    Some splendid vines threw a profusion of white and pink flowers over the bamboos , filling the air with fragrance .

  18. 但是今天,在中国东北的三家子村,这种语言从86岁老人赵兰凤干瘪的嘴唇中,随着氤氲的烟圈飘出。

    Today Manchu mixes with cigarette smoke blown through the wrinkled lips of86-year-old Zhao Lanfeng in Sanjiazi , a village in China 's north-east .

  19. 元人词作中氤氲着浓郁的梦气,这一特殊现象和元代文人的心理状态与社会文化体系的本质有着密不可分的关联。其中,朝代更替给文人带来的破灭感;

    The distinct strong dream mood in Yuan lyrics was closely related to the literator ' psychology and the essence of the cultural system at that age .

  20. 我一定要在醉花丛中氤氲的树影里寻找,在那儿,鸽子在它们的角落怾咕咕地叫着,精灵的脚环在繁星满空的静夜里丁当作响。

    I must search in the drowsy shade of the bakula grove , where pigeons coo in their corner , and fairies'anklets tinkle in the stillness of starry nights .

  21. 细腻的墨通过不同量的水分稀释,在生宣上自然渗化,所产生的水墨氤氲的流动感和气韵节律,是水墨艺术区别于其它画种的独特之处。

    After dissolved into water , Ink is painted on Xuan paper , so as to produce an artwork of vitality and unique state that no other art forms resemble .

  22. 花园和草地,根上有雨露,花上有阳光,同时成为散发出各种氤氲的香炉。

    The gardens and meadows , having water at their roots , and sun in their flowers , become perfuming-pans of incense , and smoke with all their odors at once .

  23. 四面的山洼雾气氤氲,凄凉地往山顶涌动,仿佛是个邪恶的精灵,在寻找歇脚之地,却没有找到。

    There was a steaming mist in all the hollows , and it hat roamed in its forlornness up the hill , like an evil spirit , seeking rest and finding none .

  24. 困苦人的日子,都是愁苦。心中欢畅的,常享丰筵。孔子的仁学中,氤氲着丰厚的敬畏伦理思想。

    All the days of the oppressed are wretched , but the cheerful heart has a continual feast . It contains Abundant revering the ethics theory in the Confucius theory of goodness .

  25. 近几年以来,随着实用主义哲学的重新崛起,国内外又开始了一个杜威研究热。在这一文化热度的氤氲下,随之诞生的研究成果并不在少数。

    In recent years , with the re-emergence of the philosophy of pragmatism , at home and abroad started a " Dewey hot " . Under the effects of this cultural phenomenon appears many achievements .

  26. 独特的「木板」作品,充分发挥墨色的丰富层次,在混沌氤氲中生成著丰富的「形」和「象」;

    The unique piece of " wood " work brings the rich layering of ink to the full play , and produced fertile " form " and " image " amidst a state of chaos ;

  27. 更为重要的是,顾客们在雾气氤氲的桑拿房里并不会饿肚子,因为汉堡王的服务员随时可以为你送餐。

    What 's more , patrons will not have to go hungry while getting steamy in the sauna room , as servers from the Burger King outlet will be on hand to take food and beverage orders .

  28. 就算已苍然老去,支撑起梦境的应该是老房子暗灰的安详,吴侬软语的叫卖声,那一方氤氲过温馨和回忆的小弄堂。

    Even at desolate aging , what pillars the dream will be the serenity of the grey old house , the Hawking in the Wu soft dialect , and the lanes which record the fragrance and the recollection .

  29. 耳畔仿佛有鲢鱼弹起的水花声,目光随即寻找着水面扩散的涟漪,和心事一起淹没在氤氲着潮湿气息的水雾里。

    Ears as if the silver carp pop-up spray sound , then look for the spread of the surface of the water ripples , and their minds with Yinyun submerged in the water spray inside the moist atmosphere .

  30. 夏夜的馨香在他四周升腾,随着雨点落下而更加氤氲活跃了。雨点一视同仁地洒在不远处泉水边那群满身灰尘和衣衫褴褛的劳累的人身上。

    The sweet scents of the summer night rose all around him , and rose , as the rain falls , impartially , on the dusty , ragged , and toil-worn group at the fountain not far away ;