
  • 网络positive nitrogen balance
  1. 结果:用自制匀浆膳2周后病人均达到正氮平衡,GCS评分为(13.7±3.4);

    Results : All patients who received homogenate diet reached positive nitrogen balance 2 weeks later . The score of GCS is ( 13.7 ± 3.4 ).

  2. 实施EEN和TPN的第14天,两组均达到了正氮平衡,EEN组在第21天体重指数高于TPN组。

    Both group achieved the positive nitrogen balance at day 14 , BMI of EEN at day 21 was higher than that of TPN ( P0.05 ) .

  3. NS组手术后体重、血清蛋白回升较NT组明显提前,由负氮平衡向正氮平衡恢复所需时间较NT组明显缩短。

    The recovery of body weight , level of plasma albumen and nitrogen balance in NS group was faster than that of NT group .

  4. 结果显示:(1)rGH促进正氮平衡恢复,提高了血浆白蛋白水平;

    RGH accelerated regaining of the positive nitrogen equilibrium , improved plasma albumin level .

  5. 阐述了固定床煤气化炉采用富氧连续气化技术的进展情况,并作了技术经济分析。术后吸氧72h及TPN支持以恢复正氮平衡。

    The paper elaborates the development of the fix bed gasifier use rich oxygen continuous gasification , the advantages and disadvantages , techno economic analysis . 〔

  6. 结果研究组术后第2d即转为正氮平衡,对照组术后第6d才开始转正,第3d时,两组之间的差异具有显著性(P0.01);

    RESULTS : The positive nitrogen balance in the experimental group was got on the 2nd postoperative day , 4 d earlier than that in the control group , and the levels of nitrogen balance on the 3rd postoperative day were varied significantly between the 2 groups ( P0.01 ) .

  7. 结果显示术后6天获正氮平衡,手术前后体重、血浆蛋白、前白蛋白、转铁蛋白无明显下降,血糖、甘油三酯、AKP、r-GT、SGPT在TPN过程中升高有意义。

    The results show that the negative nitrogen balance is corrected , with 18 cases obtaining positive nitrogen balance . There are no significant decreases of body weight , serium albumin , prealbumin and transferrin but significant increases of glucose , triglyceride , AKP r-GT and SGPT are discovered .

  8. 在高强度运动恢复期前几个小时摄入必须的氨基酸当量为0.1g/kg体质量的饮料,在肌肉组织会产生短暂的正氮平衡。

    Ingesting the drink containing 0.1 g / kg body mass of essential amino acids during the first few hours of recovery from heavy resistance exercise will produce a transient , positive nitrogen balance in muscle protein .

  9. 术后3、7天研究组获得较好的正氮平衡。

    Gln group regain better positive nitrogen equilibrium at the 7th postoperative day .

  10. 除无氮饲料组为负氮平衡,其余三组均为正氮平衡。

    There was positive nitrogen balance in the groups except the N free diet group .

  11. 术后及早补充氮能不同程度地纠正负氮平衡,甚至获得正氮平衡。

    Nitrogen support in early post-operative stage could correct negative nitrogen balance to a certain extent or even to positive results .

  12. 本结果说明,在肠外营养支持时,机体在获正氮平衡的同时,获正电解质平衡。

    These results suggested that body gained positive bal-ances of electrolytes and positive balance of nitrogen during the total parenteral nutrition support .

  13. 治疗组经营养支持后,负氮平衡转为正氮平衡,血清清蛋白升高,与对照组比较差异有显著性意义(P<0.05)。

    Compared with the control group , the levels of serum albumin and nitrogen balance increased in the treatment group ( P < 0.05 ) .

  14. 营养支持有利于改善急性重症胰腺炎患者的预后,降低死亡率;早期能减少机体蛋白分解,此后可稳定机体氮平衡,并向正氮平衡转化,提高血浆白蛋白值,增加抗感染能力;

    This study suggested that nutrition support can decrease the decomposition of protein in the body , increase the value of albumin and anti-infection ability ;

  15. 结论鼻肠营养管进行早期肠内营养具有易于维持机体营养,促进机体康复,尽快恢复正氮平衡,减少术后并发症的优点。

    Conclusion The adventages of enteral nutrition supports are promotion the organism to recover , restoration positive nitrogen balance as soon as possible and reduction complications .

  16. 研究组于术后第4天转为正氮平衡,对照组第6天转为正氮平衡,两组间差异显著(P<0.01)。

    Nitrogen balance was positive in the experiment group on the 4th day after operation , and on the 6th day in the control group ( P < 0.01 ) .

  17. 结果20例糖尿病患者行1个月糖尿病饮食治疗后,血糖均得到较好控制,治疗前与治疗后相比差异具有显著性(P<0.05),观察其氮平衡情况均处于正氮平衡。

    Results The blood sugar was remarkably controlled after 1 months of diabetes diet therapy compared with before treatment ( P < 0.05 ) . The nitrogen balance was at the situation of positive nitrogen epuilibrium .

  18. 3例重度短肠综合征经肠外营养支持获得正氮平衡,体重增加,其中1例健康存活,迄今3年,并已恢复工作。

    The 3 patients with extreme short bowel syndrome gained positive nitrogen balance by TPN and PPN support with their body weight increased . One of them has healthily survived for 3 years up to now and been back to work .