
  • 网络capitals of culture;The European Capital of Culture;cultural city of Europe
  1. 在此“2013欧洲文化之都”(2013'sEuropeanCapitalofCulture),一家全新的洲际酒店(IntercontinentalHotel)现今正俯瞰着这个历史悠久的港口。在马赛,你能寻访到欧洲及地中海文化博物馆(MUCEM)和普罗旺斯博物馆(RegardsdeProvence)。

    In 2013 's European Capital of Culture , a new InterContinental Hotel now overlooks the historic port , where you can find the new MuCEM and Regards de Provence museums .

  2. 它已成功申请成为2008年欧洲文化之都,这促进了当地旅游业发展。

    It won its bid to be the2008 European Capital of Culture , which boosted tourism .

  3. 自从1990年荣获“欧洲文化之都”的光荣称号以来,格拉斯哥的魅力大增。

    Glasgow has broadened its appeal since taking on the mantle of European City of Culture in 1990

  4. 今年看到这句歌词的人数量之众将会创历史新高,因为利物浦和挪威的斯塔万格同获“2008年欧洲文化之都”的称号。

    More people than ever will see those words this year , because Liverpool is the2008 European Capital of Culture , a title it shares with the Norwegian city of Stavanger .

  5. 从20世纪90年代以来,瑞典北部城市于默奥就是硬核与重金属音乐的温床,今年,在它担任欧洲文化之都期间,将欢迎各种艺术流派。无论是户外戏剧表演、人山人海的音乐节和一支向本地硬核乐队

    A hotbed of hardcore and heavy metal music through the 1990s , this northern city will welcome all genres during its tenure as a European Capital of Culture this year . Music will take center stage at outdoor opera performances , a crowdsourced music festival and an orchestral tribute to the local hardcore band Refused .

  6. 拉脱维亚是欧洲最隐蔽的旅游区,但在里加被评为2014年欧洲文化之都后一切都变了。

    Latvia is Europe 's best kept secret , but all could change now that Riga has been named a European Capital of Culture for 2014 .