
yú mù
  • elm
榆木 [yú mù]
  • [elm] 榆树的坚韧的木材,广泛用来做器械、家具和木桶

榆木[yú mù]
  1. 榆木干燥特性及干燥工艺中几个问题的探讨

    Exploration few problems of dry characteristics and technology of elm timber

  2. 水管过去是用榆木做的。

    Water pipes used to be made out of elm .

  3. 从那参天榆木的繁茂枝叶中,

    And from the stately elms I hear

  4. 到了他9岁或10岁的时候,他与好友斯图埃里克森(stuerickson)在榆木公园(elmwoodpark)球场兜售用过的高尔夫球直到他们被人举报,并被警察赶了出去。

    By the time he was nine or 10 , he and his friend stu Erickson were selling used golf balls at Elmwood Park Golf Course - until somebody reported them and they got kicked out by the cops .

  5. 我妈总说我榆木脑筋。

    Mother always said I had a hard head .

  6. 榆木顺纹压缩弯曲技术

    The Techniques of Elm Longitudinal Compressing and Bending

  7. 希悦尔公司的总部设在榆木公园,美国新泽西州。

    Sealed Air is headquartered in Elmwood Park , New Jersey , the US .

  8. 榆木材性对胶合性能的影响

    Effects of Elm Wood Properties on Gluing Properties

  9. 你到百老汇大街和榆木大街的交汇处向左走。

    When you get to the intersection of Broadway and Elm , you hang a left .

  10. 榆木山是位于河西走廊前陆盆地系中张掖盆地和酒东盆地之间的横向隆起山地。

    The Yumu mountain is a transverse highland between the Zhangye basin and Jiudong basin in the system .

  11. 在女主人的书房内,法式榆木家具位于窗户的位置,隐蔽了建筑结构柱。

    In the wife 's office , cabinetry of French elm hides a structural column near the window .

  12. “我对这种榆木脑瓜的家伙一点也不可怜。”

    " I haven 't any pity for a man who would be such a chump as that . "

  13. 结果表明:该胶用于针叶材云杉和阔叶材水曲柳、榆木、柞木,所制得集成材的粘接性能达到结构用集成材的指标要求,为生产结构集成材提供技术依据。

    The results of the experiment indicated that the bond properties can fulfill quality requirements for structural glued laminated timber .

  14. 榆木是现时制造中式家具的热门材料,因其木身够笔直,木轮亦漂亮。

    Perfectly straight and having beautiful grain , elm wood is widely used in the production of Chinese furniture nowadays .

  15. 通过实验,对杨木、桦木、椴木和榆木四种树种的木片散堆料床,在不同含水率及堆密度条件下的透气率作了研究。

    Air permeabilities of four kinds of wood chip aggregates of different species such as poplar , birch , basswood and elm were experimentally studied .

  16. 我需要沿着榆木大街走,直到跟百老汇大街的交叉口,然后我左拐,大厦就在我左边。

    I need to go down Elm until I hit Broadway , then I make a left and the building is on my left hand side .

  17. 阳光明媚,空气清新,轻捷的燕子在飞来飞去地啼叫,从那参天榆木的繁茂枝叶中,我听到了知更鸟在预报春天的来到。

    The sun is bright , - the air is clear , The darting swallows soar and sing . And from the stately elms I hear The bluebird prophesying Spring .

  18. 从榆木枯萎症状,病菌形态及接种后无死亡现象的结果表明,均与世界流行的荷兰榆病无相似之处。

    The results showed that not only the symptoms on cross sections of the dead elm wood but also the morphology of the fungi were different from those caused by Dutch elm disease .

  19. 山西传统民间家具是指明末至民国初期,使用以核桃木、榆木为主的杂木,供商人和小官宦甚至普通手工业者和农民使用的具有浓郁乡土气息的家具。

    Shanxi Traditional folk Furniture , made of Satin Walnut and Elm , was popular with businessman , officer , common handicraftsman and farmer during the late Ming dynasty to early days of the Republic of China .

  20. 用缆索起重机测量了红松、云杉、冷杉、椴木、杨木、桦木、栬木和榆木等树种原条的重心位置。

    The article measures the gravity center locations of tree stems with cable crane , the species of tree stems including korean pine , drangon spruce , fa-ber fir , linden , poplar , birch , elm , etc.