
shuān zǐ
  • embolus
栓子 [shuān zǐ]
  • [embolus] 在血液循环中的异物或不正常的颗粒(如气泡或血块),会堵塞血管使血管发生栓塞

栓子[shuān zǐ]
  1. 结论TEE对探查无心脏病史的青年脑梗死的病因及栓子来源具有一定意义。

    Conclusion TEE dose have certain value in exploring the etiological factor of young cerebral infarction patients without cardiac disease history and the source of embolus .

  2. 对于栓子的显示,多层面容积重建(MPVR)优于最大密度投影(MIP)和容积再现(VR)。

    Regarding the detection of the embolus , multiplanar volume reconstruction ( MPVR ) was better than maximum intensity projection ( MIP ) and volume rendering ( VR ) .

  3. 肺动脉、下肢静脉增强后的CT值显著高于栓子的CT值。

    The CT value number of enhanced pulmonary artery and lower deep vein was obviously higher than the thrombus .

  4. 根据DSA表现,采用灌注垂体后叶素或用明胶海绵粉和弹簧栓子栓塞治疗。

    Vasopressin infusion and embolization with Gelfoam or coils were used .

  5. 结论MR在显示肝静脉的解剖结构和病变情况方面与肝静脉造影相当,在判定栓子性质、显示肝内外侧支血管和显示邻近器官病变方面优于肝静脉造影。

    Conclusion MRI is superior to percutaneous transhepatic venography in showing the occlusion of hepatic veins , configuration of intrahepatic collateral vessels and extrahepatic collateral vessels .

  6. 体肺侧支血管共22支,应用Cook公司的弹簧栓子对其中的19支(86%)进行栓塞,共用弹簧栓子45枚。

    There were 22 vessels and 45 spring coils were used to embolize 19 vessels ( 86 % ) .

  7. MRI和MRA能直接显示脑静脉窦闭塞及其血栓栓子。本组14例发病<1个月的病人经静脉窦插管溶栓术及抗凝等治疗,症状和体征完全恢复或明显好转。

    14 patients recovered completely or improved markedly within one month of thrombolysis with venous sinus catheterization and anticoagulation .

  8. 肺动脉栓塞不同分型栓子溶栓治疗前后CT对照肺动脉肉瘤与肺动脉血栓栓塞影像学对比分析

    CT Comparative Study in Different Type Embolism of Pulmonary Embolism before and after Thrombolytic Therapy The imaging manifestation comparison analysis between pulmonary artery sarcoma and pulmonary artery thromboembolism

  9. 新型纤溶酶FA-Ⅰ抗血栓形成和溶栓作用研究肺动脉栓塞不同分型栓子溶栓治疗前后CT对照

    Effect of a Novel Fibrinolytic Enzyme FA - ⅰ on Thrombosis and Thrombolysis CT Comparative Study in Different Type Embolism of Pulmonary Embolism before and after Thrombolytic Therapy

  10. 以在线状态下有经验医师的人工判断作为微栓子信号(MES)识别、计数的黄金标准,观察、分析双门深TCD和TCD-8软件检测MES的敏感性和特异性。

    Detection of MES online by an experienced investigator was used as the gold standard .

  11. [目的]对栓子注入法造成多发梗死痴呆(MID)模型加以改进并进行评价。

    ( Objective ) To improve and evaluate the model of multiple infarction dementia ( MID ) induced by thrombus injection .

  12. 目的监测人工心瓣膜患者脑动脉微栓子(MES)情况。

    Objective To monitor the cerebral arterial microembolic signals ( MES ) in patients with artificial heart vale .

  13. TIA患者脑动脉微栓子的监测及其与颈动脉斑块的相关性

    Cerebral microembolism monitoring in patients with transient ischemic attack and its relation to carotid plaque

  14. 目的:对比CDFI、CT及DSA对肝癌并发门脉栓子(PVT)的诊断价值。

    Objective : To evaluate the diagnostic value of CDFI , CT , DSA in portal vein thrombosis ( PVT ) .

  15. 结论TCD监测可以评价滤器保护的CAS术前、术中和术后微栓子发生和脑血流变化。

    Conclusions TCD monitoring might evaluate the microemboli and cerebral blood flow before , after and during CAS with filter devices .

  16. 结果:血管造影X-线摄片发现实验组8只动物中,发现17处血管充盈不良,病理检查则发现4个栓子,对照组未见明显异常(P<0.05)。

    Results : of 8 animals of test group , we found 17 filling abnormalities through angiographic photos , and 4 embolisms by pathologic examination , while no abnormality was found in the control ( P0 . 05 ) .

  17. 方法全部病人均进行微栓子监测以及弥散加权磁共振(DWI)检查。

    Methods Patients underwent microembolic signal monitoring by transcranial Doppler ( TCD ) and diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging ( DWI ) .

  18. 方法对16例MCA狭窄所致的急性闭塞性脑中风患者,应用经颅多谱勒超声(TCD)进行微栓子(MES)检测。

    Methods 16 cases of acute obliterative cerebral apoplexy caused by middle cerebral arterial stenosis underwent microembolus detection through transcranial Doppler ultrasonic examination .

  19. 目的回顾分析多层面螺旋CT发现与手术证实的门静脉栓子或异常与原位肝移植手术操作的相关性。

    Objective To review the multislice CT findings in patients with surgically proved portal venous ( PV ) thrombosis or calcification and to correlate these findings with the surgical procedure used at orthotopic liver transplantation ( OLT ) .

  20. 目的经食管超声心动图(transesophagealechocardiography,TEE)观察猪心腔中脂肪栓子的超声表现及猪脂肪栓塞的致死量。

    Objective To study the manifestation of fat emboli ( FE ) on transesophageal echocardiography ( TEE ) in the pig 's heart chamber .

  21. 目的评价螺旋CT肺动脉造影(spiralCTpulmonaryangiography,CTPA)诊断犬肺小动脉血栓栓子(直径25~35mm)的应用价值。

    Objective To evaluate the diagnostic value of subsecond spiral CT pulmonary angiography ( CTPA ) in detecting the small pulmonary thrombi ( diameter 2.5 ~ 3.5 mm ) in canine models .

  22. 方法利用磁共振弥散加权成像,研究86例症状性大脑中动脉粥样硬化性狭窄患者皮质下梗死的形态学表现,以及与经颅多普勒超声(TCD)监测微栓子的相关性。

    Methods Diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging ( DWI ) and transcranial Doppler ( TCD ) were used to study the relationship between infarct pattern and the microemboli signals .

  23. 结论:抗凝或抗血小板聚集药物可以抑制MES的产生,而抗凝药物降低微栓子的作用比抗血小板聚集药物起效快;MES监测可作为评价抗凝或抗血小板聚集药物治疗是否有效的一项检测指标。

    Conclusion : Therapy either in anticoagulants or in anti-platelet agents may all reduce MES , MES monitoring is helpful to evaluate the effect of anticoagulants or anti-platelet agents .

  24. 观察并比较FES早期血中游离脂肪病理学检测、TCD微栓子监测的动态变化情况及颅脑MRI的变化。

    To observe the dynamic change of pathological detection for free fat in blood , TCD microembolus monitoring and cranial MRI in early stage of fat embolism syndrome ( FES ) .

  25. ICGA晚期图像中,视网膜血管内栓子及视网膜血管闭塞区清晰可见。

    At the late phase of ICGA , some intravascular emboli and segments of retinal vascular occlusion were clearly demonstrated .

  26. 结论:疏血通注射液对急性缺血性脑卒中的微栓子具有预防和治疗作用;TCD栓子自动监测有助于及时发现微栓子、评估药物疗效。

    CONCLUSION : Shuxuetong injection has preventive and therapeutic effects on MES of AIS , TCD automatic embolus monitor helps to find MES in time and evaluate the effect of drugs .

  27. 共进行实验1104组,以不同方式向模型中注入栓子17940个,应用多元回归Logistic模型分析栓子直径、栓子长度、管径、流量、滤器类型及栓子注入方式等参数对滤器效率的影响。

    The influence of the following experimental parameters on the capturing rate was analyzed with a multiple logistic regression model : embolus diameter and length , CA diameter , flow quantity , type of filter , and type of testing .

  28. 栓子检测结果:16例病人中,有4例(25%)MES,其中重度狭窄的2例患者均发现MES。

    The results of microembolus detection were as follows : 4 cases ( 25 % ) were found to have microemboli ; 2 cases of severe stenosis were both found to have microemboli .

  29. 结论脂蛋白肾病属少见肾病,患者临床常表现为蛋白尿、肾病综合征,肾小球毛细血管襻内apoE染色阳性的巨大脂蛋白栓子是脂蛋白肾病特征性的形态学改变。

    Conclusion LPG is a unique renal disease characterized by extensively intraglomerular lipoprotein thrombi with apoE positive reaction , and its clinical characteristics are mass proteinuria and nephritic syndrome .

  30. 结果(1)5mm×30mm栓子的滤过率水平位及垂直位均为100%。

    Results ( 1 ) The filtering efficiency for 5 mm × 30 mm thrombi was 100 % in horizontal or vertical position .