
Liǔ Zōnɡyuán
  • Liu Zongyuan; celebrated Tang poet
柳宗元 [liǔ zōng yuán]
  • [Liu Zongyuan] (773-819) 唐文学家,哲学家。字子厚,河东解县(今山西运城县)人,世称柳河东。出身仕宦家庭。贞元九年(公元793年)进士。后任集贤殿正字、京兆府蓝田县尉、监察御史里行等职。参加王叔文革新集团。贞元二十一年(公元805年),顺宗即位,王叔文集团实行政治革新,他被任命为礼部员外郎。革新失败后,被贬为永州司马。十年后,迁为柳州刺史,故又称柳柳州。元和十四年(公元819年),病死在柳州任上,年仅四十七岁。著有《柳河东集》。柳宗元是古文运动的主要倡导者之一,并列唐宋八大家之一。写出了许多富有战斗性的哲学、政治、历史方面的论文,如《贞符》、《天对》、《天说》、《非国语》、《封建论》、《六逆论》、《时令论》等。柳宗元在永州还创作了大量的优秀文学作品,包括传记、寓言、山水游记、诗歌等。代表作品有《种树郭橐驼传》、《梓人传》、《段太尉逸事状》、《捕蛇者说》等

  1. 柳宗元患病,请来一位名医诊治。

    Liu Zongyuan was ill . He called a famous doctor for diagnosis1 and treatment .

  2. 柳宗元派人去药店买来获菩,煎成汤药喝了下去。

    Liu Zongyuan sent someone to buy fining from a herbal medicine shop , boiled it and drank the decoction .

  3. 柳宗元以为是医生误用了药,就把医生叫来,责问他是怎么回事。

    Thinking that the doctor had prescribed the wrong medicine , he called and reproved him , asking what was the matter .

  4. 论柳宗元的人才与人力资源管理观

    On Liu Zongyuan 's Ideas of Talents and Human Resources Management

  5. 柳宗元价值取向与旅游文化创建

    LIU Zong-yuan 's Value Direction and the Construction of Tourism Culture

  6. 柳宗元《永州八记》的道家文化解读

    Interpretation on Taoist Culture of Liu Zongyuan 's Eight-Travel-Writing about Yongzhou

  7. 论柳宗元文言小说的创作成就

    On The Achievements of Liu Zongyuan 's Novels In Classical Chinese

  8. 论柳宗元在儒学复兴中的独特贡献

    On the Unique Contribution of Liu Zongyuan to Confucian Rejuvenation

  9. 柳宗元与柳州民族地域文化关系

    On the Relationship of Liu Zongyuan and Liuzhou Regional Culture

  10. 柳宗元开一代文风的改革家

    Liu Zhongyuan-A Reformer to an Era of Style of Writing

  11. 试论柳宗元晚期诗创作心态

    A Study of Liu Zongyuan 's Feelings in His Late Poetry Creation

  12. 柳宗元山水游记中的人格美

    The Beauty of Personality in Liu Zong-yuan 's Travel Notes

  13. 柳宗元书信的写作艺术

    Research on the Writing Style of Liu Zongyuan 's Epistle

  14. 论柳宗元贬谪期间的悲剧情结

    On Liu Zongyuan 's Tragic Complex in the Course of His Exile

  15. 柳宗元山水文学的艺术特点与文化意蕴

    Art Characteristics of Liu Zongyuan 's the Mountain Hydrology and Culture Content

  16. 论柳宗元山水诗意象之演变

    On the Evolution of the Images In Liu Zongyuan 's Landscape Poems

  17. 柳宗元的诗歌理论及其诗学精神

    Liu Zong-yuan 's Theories on Poetry and His Spirit in Poetic Studies

  18. 柳宗元在柳州与和尚的交往

    Liu Zongyuan 's Contacts with the Clergy of Liuzhou Region

  19. 论柳宗元散文渊深峻洁的风格

    On the " Profound and Subtle " Style of Liu Zongyuans Prose

  20. 柳宗元最著名的游记是《永州八记》。

    His best-known travel pieces are the Eight Records of Excursions in Yongzhou .

  21. 柳宗元与唐代岭南文化

    LIU Zongyuan and Lingnan culture during the Tang Dynasty

  22. 柳宗元柳州山水诗的语言审美特征

    The Aesthetic Feature in Liu Zongyuan 's Landscape Essays

  23. 柳宗元的学术研究与散文创作

    Liu Zongyuan 's Academic Research and Prose Creation

  24. 论柳宗元道的社会内涵的现实品格和人文精神

    The Realistic Moral Character and the Humanism of Liu Zongyuan 's Connotation of Taoism

  25. 简论柳宗元与传记文学的发展

    Liu Zong-yuan and the Development of Biography Literature

  26. 柳宗元的佛教戒律与孝道说

    Liu Zongyuan 's Buddhist Discipline and Filial Doctrine

  27. 论柳宗元女性墓志文对儒家妇德文化的超越

    On Transcendence of Liu Zongyuan 's Epitaphs for Women Beyond Confucian Female Virtue Culture

  28. 论柳宗元散文句法特色与骈散相争

    Syntactic Characteristics of Liu Zongyuan 's Prose and the Controversy of Prose and Pian Wen

  29. 柳宗元的古文理论研究

    Liu Zong-yuan 's Ancient Prose Theory Research

  30. 游记散文多作于避地绍兴之时,意欲与柳宗元相比。

    Travel prose was written in Shaoxing . He desired to compare with Liu Zhongyuan .