
  • 网络kodaly;Zoltan Kodaly;Kodaly Zoltan
  1. 在第一部分中,通过介绍柯达伊的三个不同身份了解其同声合唱作品的创作背景。

    The first part examines the compositional background to his equal voice pieces by introducing his 3 different career strands .

  2. 在第二部分中,用归类和例证,从作品题材、体裁和技法等方面介绍柯达伊同声合唱作品的创作特征。

    In the second part , the author expatiates on the compositional character of these pieces through themes , forms and techniques , by means of classification and illustration .

  3. 在专业音乐课程中,根据柯达伊音乐教育方法,要求学生们鼓掌、击鼓以及歌颂以便他们记住音符的长度——这就解决了整首音乐曲子音符划分的问题。

    In the Academic Music program , based on the Kodaly method of musical education , students clap , drum and chant to memorize the lengths of musical notes - then solve problems in which fractional notes must add up to a full measure of music .