
zhǐ shí
  • Fructus Aurantii;dried immature fruit of citron or trifoliate orange
枳实 [zhǐ shí]
  • [fruit of citron or trifoliate orange] 中药名。芸香科植物酸橙或香橼的未成熟果实。苦、辛、微酸,微温。散结消痞,行气化痰,主治气滞腹痛、痰阻胸痹、湿热泻痢、热结便秘

  1. 枳实提取物清除·OH能力及抑菌活性初探枳实提取物中类黄酮的高效液相色谱法测定及其抗氧化作用研究

    Preliminary Study on Hydroxyl Free Radical Scavenging Activity and Antimicrobial Effect of Fructus Aurantii Immaturus Extracts

  2. 方法:采用电生理学和免疫组织化学方法,观察枳实灌胃前后大鼠胃肠电活动及P物质含量的变化。

    Methods The changes of the myoelectric activity and the content of SP in the gastrointestinal tract were examined by electrophysiology and immunohistochemical method .

  3. 采用亲和毛细管电泳相互作用分析,根据枳实挥发油的成分与BSA相互作用的不同,将枳实挥发油分离为两个有效部位。

    According to the different binding constant with BSA , volatile oil had been separated to two fractions .

  4. 与未接种处理相比,AM真菌处理仅对水分胁迫下的枳实生苗叶片Fe和Zn含量有显著促进作用。

    When compared to non - AM fungal treatment , AM fungal treatment only significantly enhanced the contents of Fe and Zn in leaves under water stress conditions .

  5. 磷铝与硼铝互作对柚叶片和根系有机酸代谢的影响HPLC法测定不同规格酸橙枳实中新橙皮苷和柚皮苷的含量

    Effects of Phosphorus-Aluminum and Boron-Aluminum Interactions on Organic Acid Metabolism in the Leaves and Roots of Pummelo HPLC determination of neohesperidin and naringin in Fructus Aurantii Immaturus of different specifications

  6. 结果枳实配方颗粒与相应饮片和汤剂HPLC图谱出峰数量、峰位无差异;

    Result There were no differences in elution peak quantity and peak position in the HPLC spectrum of Fructus Aurantii Immaturus formula granule with corresponding cut crude drug and decoction .

  7. 目的:研究枳实对大鼠胃肠移行性综合肌电(MMC)的影响及其与P物质的关系。

    Objective In order to investigate the effects of fructus aurantii immaturus ( FAI ) on migrating myoelectrical complex ( MMC ) and its relation with substance P ( SP ) in rats .

  8. DPPH法测定沙棘籽原花青素清除自由基的能力枳实提取物清除·OH能力及抑菌活性初探

    Measurement of the Antiradical Efficiency of Proanthocyanidin in Seabuckthorn Seed by the DPPH · Assay Preliminary Study on Hydroxyl Free Radical Scavenging Activity and Antimicrobial Effect of Fructus Aurantii Immaturus Extracts

  9. 以枳实废渣为碳源,对产纤维素酶G2菌进行固体发酵,通过测定FPA、CMC、C1酶活的大小,对其产酶条件进行优化研究。

    Fructus Aurantii Immaturus residues was used as carbon source . Through solid-state fermentation the filter paper enzyme ( activity ,) CMC-enzyme activity and C_1-enzyme activity were determined .

  10. 目的:研究枳实消痞丸及其拆方和不同剂型对大鼠胃排空及血浆胃动素(MOT)水平的影响。

    Objective : To investigate the influence of Zhishi Xiaopi pill ( ZSXPP ) and its ingredients on gastric emptying and plasma motilin ( MOT ) level in rats .

  11. 灌肠中药采用赤芍承气汤煎剂(其中包括赤芍30g,厚朴15g,枳实15g,生大黄6g等)。每周1-2次,连续4周为一疗程。

    Chinese herbal enema Chengqi Decoction ( including Radix 30g , Magnolia officinalis 15g , Zhishi 15g , rhubarb 6g , etc. ), 1-2 times per week for 4 weeks as a course .

  12. 结果:枳实成分辛弗林(Synephrine)0.6mgkg、山茱萸成分马钱素(loganin)1.0mgkg静脉注射,对家兔重症失血性休克模型,均显示较好的升压作用;

    RESULT : There was a good effect on increasing blood pressure of rabbit model with severe hemorrhagic shock by intravenous injection of 0.6mg/kg Synephrine ( ingredient of Fructus Aurantii Immaturus ) or 1.0mg/kg loganin ( ingredient of Fructus Corni );

  13. 方法采用消化道腔外电极记录法观察枳实组与生理盐水组移行性综合肌电(MMC)周期时程、活动期/周期比例、活动期每分钟快波数的变化;

    Methods Migrating myoelectric complex ( MMC ) cyclic period , the ratio of the active time to the cyclic period , and the number of the fast wave within the active time per minute were observed between FAI and the normal saline group by external alimentary canal electrodes ;

  14. 枳实消痞颗粒剂对糖尿病大鼠胃肠激素的影响

    Influence of Zhishi Xiaopi Granule on Gastrointestinal Hormones of Diabetes Rats

  15. 目的研究枳实中的多甲氧基黄酮类化合物。

    ObjectiveTo investigate the chemical constituents of Fructus Aurantii Immaturus .

  16. 不同株系枳实生苗的菌根依赖性研究

    Study on Mycorrhizal Dependency of Different Types of Trifoliate Orange

  17. 目的考察枳实配方颗粒质量。

    Objective To inspect the quality of Fructus Aurantii Immaturus formula granule .

  18. 枳实对大鼠离体小肠平滑肌条的作用

    Action of Zhishi on the smooth muscle of isolated small intestine in rats

  19. 枳实药对的临床应用

    Clinical Application of Matched pair of Fructus Aurantii Immaturus

  20. 枳实中一个新的酚苷成分

    A new phenolic glycoside from fruits of Citrus aurantium

  21. 枳实饮片中3类化学成分含量测定

    Determination of three chemical components in Fructus aurantii immaturus

  22. 枳实对小肠平滑肌收缩功能的影响

    Studies on effect of citrus aurantium to the contraction of isolated mouse intestine

  23. 研究结果为酸橙枳实、枳壳采收期的制定提供了实验依据。

    The results provided an experimental basis for formulating harvest periods . 2 .

  24. 无机微滤膜澄清枳实水煎液的工艺研究

    Technique of Clarification of Decoction of Fructus Aurantii Immaturus with Inorganic Microfiltration Membrane

  25. 结果表明产酶最适条件为:枳实在发酵前需进行酸处理;

    The optimal conditions of enzyme production were studied .

  26. 枳实活性成分的研究

    Studies on the active constituents of fructus aurantii immaturus

  27. 枳实及其药用有效成分研究

    Study on Medicinal Citrus Species and Their Active Constituents

  28. 枳实、白术配伍促胃肠动力作用的最佳比例是1:1,将其命名为枳术饮。

    The best proportion of compatibility is 1 : 1 and named Zhizhu Yin .

  29. 枳实对血瘀模型大鼠血栓前状态的影响

    Effect of Immature Bitter Orange on model rats of blood stasis in prethrombotic state

  30. 枳实中黄酮类成分差异与其红外光谱特征分析

    The species differences of flavonoids in Fructus Aurantii Immaturus and their infrared spectrum relevance