
  • 网络Lin Hwai-min
  1. 林怀民说,现在他试著由舞者的动作中寻找素材。

    He said he now tries to draw the material from their movements .

  2. 林怀民于1947年出生在台湾,自那以后发生了很大变化。

    Much has changed since Mr. Lin was born in Taiwan in 1947 .

  3. 被问到何时退休时,林怀民不太愿意回答。

    When asked about his possible retirement , Mr. Lin of Cloud Gate was reluctant to comment .

  4. 林怀民是五个兄弟姐妹中的老大,他兴趣广泛,对政治、写作和舞蹈都有深深的热情。

    Growing up as the oldest of five children , Mr. Lin nurtured multiple passions , for politics , writing and dance .

  5. 后来,在舞团的办公室里,林怀民谈起自己对舞者们乃至整个社会的使命感。

    Later , in the company 's offices , Mr. Lin talked about the obligations he felt toward the dancers and society .

  6. 云门舞集的创始人、艺术总监兼首席编舞林怀民今年68岁,他将提升台湾的海外形象视为重任。

    Promoting Taiwan 's image abroad is a responsibility that Cloud Gate 's founder , artistic director and chief choreographer , Lin Hwai-Min , 68 , does not take lightly .

  7. 林怀民的舞蹈语言展现在舞者奇妙的身体控制之中:你看到贯穿舞者全身的运动旅程,看到肌肉和姿态迷人的展示。

    Lin 's dance-language feeds off his artists ' tremendous physical control : you watch a simple movement journey through the dancer 's body and see a fascinating play of muscle and pose .