
  • 网络loose deposit;rickle
  1. 滑坡地层为第四系松散堆积物,松散堆积物中有地下水存在。坡体内有软弱夹层。

    The stratum of the landslide is the loose deposit of the Quaternary , and there are groundwater in the deposit .

  2. 由于自然界岩石的风化作用是一个连续的阶段过程,不同风化程度的岩石其结构和矿物组成也不相同,因此岩石的风化程度可以作为判定其是否为松散堆积物的依据。

    Weathering processes of rocks in the nature is a continuous procedure . The rocks have different structures and mineral he mineral components in different phases . The weathering phase of rock could be used to determine whether it is loose deposit or not .

  3. 流域内松散堆积物总体积不超过200万m3,流域的自然泥沙输移比为0.997,接近于1。

    In addition , there is at most 2 million m ~ 3 of accumulative deposits in the gully and the natural sediment delivery rate for the gully is 0.997 , which is close to 1 .

  4. 天池口滑坡是清江隔河岩库区一大型松散堆积物滑坡。

    Tianchikou landslide is a large unconsolidated deposit landslide in Geheyan reservoir area on Qing River .

  5. 地貌、土壤、第四纪松散堆积物、岩石是生态地质环境的基础。

    Geomorphology , soil , loose Quaternary deposits , and rock are the fundamentals of ecologic-geologic environment .

  6. 在湖北渔塘坝硒矿床氧化矿石及地表松散堆积物中存在大量罕见的次生自然硒。

    Large number of selenium minerals have been found and identified in the Laerma selenium gold deposit .

  7. 粘土矿物广泛分布于原生沉积岩、三大岩类风化带及第四系松散堆积物构成的斜坡中。

    Clay minerals distribute extensively in various slopes made of sedimentary rock , weathering profiles of igneous rock , metamorphic rock and sedimentary rock and colluvial deposits .

  8. 对现场四种不同形态的炭质页岩的松散堆积物进行高分子聚合物的试验研究,并对它们的改性效果和改性机理进行分析。

    Four different forms on-site carbon loose shale deposits of the test polymer are test , and modification of their effects and mechanism of modification are carried on .

  9. 利用土壤普查和松散堆积物调查资料,对全县土壤和松散堆积物按成因类型和组成特征进行了面积统计。

    Based on field survey data , an area , an area statistical analysis of soils and loose sediments for both of their genetic and compositional groups was made .

  10. 丽江地区著名的玉龙山存在一个个孤立的“岗丘”,它们全为松散堆积物组成,只部分表面有坚硬的钙质胶结层;

    The noted Yulong Mountain in Lijiang area exists some isolated hillocks , which are almost composed of loose accumulated materials except parts of their surfaces with hard calcic cement beds .

  11. 草原区的煤炭开采,大量的挖损和排土场岩土排弃占地面积大,人为堆垫的松散堆积物形成再塑地貌,破坏大面积草场原地貌环境,是新生水土流失的源地。

    The area of mine exploitation and outer dump or digging are large in steppe , which destroyed many grassland resources and also formed lots of new soil and water losses .

  12. 改良松散堆积物的工程性能,防范水文条件和水文地质条件的不利影响是预防或治理滑坡的关键。

    The keys of preventing and controlling landslide are : to improve the engineering properties of loose deposits and to take precautions against the unfavorable effects of hydrologic and hydro geological conditions .

  13. 人为弃渣或前期松散堆积物在暴雨过程中形成泥石流。通过对大量历史暴雨的卫星、雷达与短时雨量的统计研究,建立了暴雨的短时雨量估算方法。

    Based on the statistic analysis between short-time rainfall and the data from the weather satellite and radars during rainstorm process , we have developed a objective prediction technique for short-time ( 0 ~ 6hour ) precipitation forecast .

  14. 2~滑坡为一大型松散堆积物形成的滑坡,以2~滑坡加固工程为例,对预应力锚索加固松散体滑坡的应力响应问题、锚固能力问题、预应力衰减问题和群锚效应问题等进行了研究。

    2 ~ # landslide is made up of large scale loose deposits , and based on the example of reinforcing 2 ~ # landslide , the problems of stress response , capability of cables holding , prestress attenuation and group cables effects have been studied .

  15. 通过建立松散体离散单元模型,采用ALE耦合算法,模拟了松散介质坍塌堆积物的抛掷爆破过程。

    By establishing the discrete element model of loose object and using ALE coupling algorithm , the simulation of loose medium ′ s casting blast process is performed .