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  1. 因此,在《长生殿》之前杨玉环的形象多为负面的。

    Therefore , before palace jade , her image was mostly negative .

  2. 上帝跳进河里然后带出来杨玉环。

    The Lord went down into the water and came up with Mallika Sherawat .

  3. 这就是李隆基送给妃子杨玉环的温泉浴池。

    This is the hot spring bathing pool Li Longji gave his concubine Yang Yuhuan .

  4. 唐代文学中的杨玉环形象

    The Figure and Story of Yang Yuhuan in the Literary Works in the Tang Dynasty

  5. 唐朝开元年间,有一美貌女子叫杨玉环,被选进宫来。

    There was a beautiful girl named Yang Yuhuan who was selected into the palace in Tang Dynasty .

  6. 美女如西施、杨玉环者与之相处,也不能用美色去影响他们,或改变他们的行为态度;

    The belles , such as Xishi and Yang Yuhuan , can 't affect them and change their attitude and conduct .

  7. 他们被誉为美女中的四颗珍珠-西施、王昭君、貂蝉和杨玉环。

    They are known as the four pearls of beauty – Xi Shi , Wang Zhaojun , Diao Chan and Yang Yuhuan .

  8. 在陕西的马嵬坡,玄宗的贴身护卫们要求杀了遭人痛恨的杨国忠和他的侄女杨玉环。

    On the way at Mawei Inn in Shaanxi , Xuanzong 's bodyguard troops demanded the death of the much-hated Yang Guozhong , and his cousin , Lady Yang .