
  • 网络Yang
  1. 代表好莱坞电影公司的上海律师事务所的杨军表示,尽管赔偿金不高,但提起诉讼仍是值得的,因为它们让公众意识到,盗版DVD是违法的。

    Yang Jun , at the Shanghai law firm that represented the studios , says the lawsuits are worthwhile despite the low damages because they make the public aware that fake DVDs are illegal .

  2. 杨军说,任何感冒都有可能转为心肌炎,倘若及时治疗,不会对心肌造成遗留损害。

    Yang Jun said that any flu are likely to myocarditis , if untreated , will not result in legacy myocardial damage .

  3. 杨军3年前参与的一起案件使得起诉dvd商店业主成为可能。

    A case she was involved in three years ago established it was possible to sue the landlords of DVD shops .

  4. 杨军在金银岛示范拍摄剪影。

    Richard demonstrating how to take silhouette at Treasure Island .

  5. 杨军介绍说,刘辉初患感冒时,就是一般的感冒症状,没有什么与众不同。

    Said Yang Jun , Liu Hui at the beginning of a cold , is the common cold symptoms , there is nothing unusual .

  6. 科学教师杨军传递出这样的信息“你们没有认识到,在无纪律时的纪律非常重要,中国的教育不仅仅是传授学科知识,更是培育人格。”谁能够否认这个观点呢?

    Yang Jun , the science teacher , delivered messages such as " Discipline is really important . Without discipline , you don 't learn , " and that " Chinese education is not only teaching subject knowledge . Chinese education is cultivating human beings . " Who would disagree with either of those ?