
  1. 小杨结婚了,你不知道吗?

    Xiao Yang has got married , don 't you know ?

  2. 各无性系间木材密度差异极显著,最大者较对照群众杨提高了23.5%,无性系间纤维长度差异极显著。

    There were significant differences of the timber density between the clones .

  3. 小杨提出了一个克服困难的办法。

    Xiao Yang suggested a way out of the difficulty .

  4. 小杨提了一个建议。三班提了个合理化建议。

    Xiao Yang offered a suggestion . Class Three has put forward a reasonable proposal .

  5. 杨接受了她的命运,没有一句怨言。

    Yang accepted her fate without complaint .

  6. 小杨提了一个建议。

    Xiao Yang offered a suggestion .

  7. 采用百度试验法研制的基准对北京杨进行了室干试验,同时研究了北京杨室干过程中的皱缩特性。

    Also , drying experiment of Peking Aspen was conducted according to the schedule obtained through 100 ℃ test method , and the collapse property of Peking Aspen in kiln drying process was studied .

  8. 利用丙氨酸和水杨醛合成了席夫碱Mn(Ⅲ)配合物(Sal-Ala-Mn)。

    The Alanine schiff base was synthesized by the reaction of Alanine with salicylaldehyde first . Then it was used as a ligand to coordinate with Mn Ac to obtain a complex ( Sal-Ala-Mn ) .

  9. 杨时继承了二程的思想,并有所创新。

    Theory thinking , Yang inherited Cheng thoughts and make innovations .

  10. 她穿好衣服就到小杨屋里去了。

    When she was dressed she went to Xiao yang ` s room .

  11. 杨秘书来了,刚进大门。

    Secretary Yang is here . he 's passing through the front gate .

  12. 有一天,杨布穿了一套白颜色的衣服上街去。

    One day , Yang Bu went to the market in a white suit .

  13. 我和保罗•杨聊过了,然后……

    I spoke to Paul Young , and , , , Whoa , whoa .

  14. 这下子,杨布发火了。

    This made Yang Bu lose his temper .

  15. 对雾灵山自然保护区的山杨林进行了研究。

    The researches on Populus davidiana forest were carried out in Wuling Mountain Natural Reserve .

  16. 杨同志致了开幕词。

    Comrade Yang delivered the opening speech .

  17. 我已经和肯杨谈过了,我们知道他想要什么。

    I 've had discussions with Peter and we know where we want to go .

  18. 他们遂照上主对梅瑟所吩咐的,攻击了米德杨,杀了所有的男子。

    And when they had fought against the Madianites and had overcome them , they slew all the men .

  19. 1974年,在陕西省临潼县西杨村发现了秦始皇陵一号从葬坑兵马俑。

    In 1974 , Vault 1 of the Terracotta army of Emperor Qinshihuang was unearthed in Xiyang Village , Lintong County , Shanxi Province .

  20. 谁也不想这样吧,他们把耳机放到了安全的地方,各位可以看到杨教授摘了耳机。

    They may not like that and so they put their headphones in a secure place You see that here Professor Young takes his off .

  21. 流行歌手及作词人陶喆承认自己欺骗了妻子。陶喆解释说是在一次新闻发布会上和杨子晴发生了关系。

    Mandopop singer and song-writer David Tao has admitted he has cheated on his wife.Tao explained his affair with Yang Ziqing during a press conference :

  22. 杨偷走了网站管理员的身份和密码,然后张贴假通知,要求捐款必须存放在他的帐户,该报告称。

    Yang stole the site administrator 's identity and password and then posted a fake notice asking for donations to be deposited in his account , the report said .

  23. “很愉快能来曼联并获得上场机遇,”杨在加入了7-0狂扫西雅图的竞赛之后说。

    " I am just delighted to be here and get myself on the pitch ," said Young , who played a part in United's7-0 win over Seattle Sounders on Wednesday .

  24. 这时,杨老师看见了,从她的后面跑过来,连忙脱下雨衣细心地给小姑娘披上,遮风挡雨。

    At this time , Young saw a teacher , ran from behind her and quickly took off his raincoat to the little girl put on carefully , shelter against the elements .

  25. 菊花下市的时候,夏太太因为买了四盆花,而被女仆杨妈摔了一盆,就和杨妈吵闹起来。

    When the chrysanthemums came on the market , Mrs. Ma bought four pots and the maid , Yang Ma , broke one of them , for which she was roundly abused .

  26. 杨已经花了将近二十年的时间来研究这种行为。在一项综合性研究中,她和研究所的同僚们分析了来自世界各地的近500条史料记载和当代记述,揭示了食土癖在全球范围内的分布情况。

    Young has spent nearly two decades getting her head round this behaviour , and in a comprehensive study analysing nearly 500 historical and contemporary accounts from around the world , she and her fellow researchers documented its global prevalence .

  27. 更早时候,尼尔•杨批评特朗普使用了他的歌曲《Rockin’intheFreeWorld》。

    Earlier , he faced criticism from Neil Young for using his Rockin " in the Free World .

  28. 该模型符合极化力场的要求,杨等人据此建立了应用于模拟蛋白质体系的浮动电荷力场(原子-键电负性均衡方法与力场相结合模型),即ABEEM/MM分子力场。

    The ABEEM / MM model ( atom-bond electronegativity equalization method fused into molecular mechanics ) is built for protein . The Lennard-Jones and torsional parameters were optimized to be consistent with the ABEEM / MM fluctuating charge electrostatic potential .

  29. 杨老师亲眼目睹了这项校园惯例的新趋势。

    He sees a new trend in this campus tradition .

  30. 我已经接到杨医生的电话了。

    I aiready got a call from doctor yang .