
máng guǒ
  • mango;Mangifera indica;nak
杧果 [máng guǒ]
  • [mango] 一种原产印度的常绿乔木( Mangifera indica ),叶革质,互生;花小,黄色或淡红色,成顶生的圆锥花序,产杧果和劣质淡灰色木材

杧果[máng guǒ]
  1. 热水和1-MCP处理对杧果贮藏效果的影响

    Effect of hot water and 1-MCP treatments on storage of mango fruit

  2. 渗透胁迫对杧果叶片活性氧伤害的影响

    Effect of osmotic stress on active oxygen damage of leaves in mango

  3. 推测认为在杧果软鼻病的发病过程中,ACC合酶同源基因和ACC氧化酶同源基因与果胶酸裂解酶同源基因具有调控关系。

    It speculate that ACC synthase homologous gene 、 ACC oxidase homologous gene and pectate lyase homologous gene were regulatory relationships in the pathogenesis of soft nose disease .

  4. 果核杧果象(SternochetusolivieriFaust)的研究&Ⅰ.形态学和生物学

    Studies on the mango stone weevil ( sternochetus Olivieri faust ) in Yunnan ⅰ . morphology and Biology

  5. 中国杧果产业的现状、存在问题与发展对策

    Status , Issues and Their Resolutions of Mango Industry in China

  6. 广西石灰岩石山一种新的果树&冬杧果

    Winter mango-a new fruit tree on limestone hills from Guangxi

  7. 氧气浓度对杧果种子贮藏寿命的影响

    The Influence of Oxygen Concentration on the Storage Life of Mango Seeds

  8. 杧果的性比率、传粉和受精后结果等问题

    Sex , Pollination and Post - fertilisation Problems in Mango

  9. 优化杧果品种结构,树立品牌。

    To optimize the variety structure and make a good brand of mango .

  10. 热处理提高采后杧果抗冷性与蛋白质含量变化的关系

    The Relationship between Heat Induced Chilling Tolerance and the Changes in Protein Contents

  11. 热空气处理对杧果果实若干生理特性和贮藏效果的影响

    Physiological characteristics and storage quality of mango fruit subjected to heated forced air treatment

  12. 滇南杧果生产现状及害虫名录

    The present status of mango production in South Yunnan and a checklist of pests

  13. 32个杧果品种种仁油的脂肪酸组成

    The composition of fatty acids in kernel fats of 32 varieties of Mangifera indica

  14. 杧果果实的扫描电镜观察

    Observation of mango fruit by scanning electron microscopy

  15. 杧果采后生理研究

    Studies on Postharvest Physiology of mango fruits

  16. 气相色谱-质谱联用法对菠萝、杧果和米蕉混酿果酒的香气物质的分析

    Analysis of Flavors of Wine from Mixture of Pineapple , Mango and Banana By GC-MS

  17. 不同土壤水分含量对杧果盆栽幼苗光合作用、蒸腾和气孔导度的影响

    Effects of different water moisture on photosynthesis , transpiration and stoma conductance of potted mango seedlings

  18. 我在想,斋月时我在自家花园种下的杧果种子,如今不知道长得怎么样了。

    I wonder what happened to the mango seed I planted in our garden at Ramadan .

  19. 迅速完善社会化服务体系,实现杧果生产产业化。

    To perfect the public service system as soon as possible and realize the industrialization of mango production .

  20. 1-甲基环丙烯处理采后杧果的3种生理效应

    Effects of 1-MCP Treatment on Lipoxygenase Activity , Abscisic acid Content and Respiratory Rate in Postharvest Mango Fruit

  21. 怒江流域杧果种质资源主要数量性状变异及概率分级

    Variation and probability grading of main quantitative characteristics of mango germplasm resource in Nujiang Valley , Yunnan province

  22. 研究了杧果果实内源激素变化与胚胎败育的关系。

    The relationship between the endogenous hormones level and embryo abortion ' Jinhuang ' mango fruit at early development stage was investigated .

  23. 产卵量以龙眼最高为46.63粒,杧果最低7.32粒;

    The fecundity of female adults on longan was the highest ( 46.63 ) while on mango was the lowest ( 7.32 ) .

  24. 甜味生果:橘柑、喷鼻蕉、苹果、瓜、蒲萄、番木瓜、莓子、无花果、枣、杧果等等。

    Sweet Fruit : Oranges , Bananas , Apples , Melons , Grapes , Papayas , Berries , Figs , Dates , Mangoes etc.

  25. 《果蔬贮运学》实验课教学改革的实践杧果贮藏与分子保鲜

    A Reform in Teaching Methods of Laboratory Training on Postharvest Biotechnology of Fruits and Vegetables Storage and Ripening Controlled By Biotechnology in Mango

  26. 斋月期间,我在花园里种下了一颗杧果种子,因为那是斋戒结束后人们最爱吃的水果。

    I planted a mango seed in the garden during Ramadan as they are a favourite fruit to eat after breaking the fast .

  27. 然后,我们玩了“杧果杧果”。规则是参加游戏的人围成一个圆圈唱歌,当歌声停止时,所有的人都静止不动。

    Then we played mango mango , where you make a circle and sing , then when the song stops everyone has to freeze .

  28. 该病在世界杧果产区内广泛发生,已严重制约杧果生产。

    This disease widespread occurred in most of major mango growing areas on the world , and has seriously hampered the production of mango .

  29. 由于受X光射线强度太大的限制,以及杧果种壳和种子的影响,反映不出果肉的空洞状态。

    Because of limits of X-rays intension as well as effects of seed and the seed shell , we can not see the cavity state of internal flesh .

  30. 以实例测定方式介绍杧果叶片多效唑含量的气相色谱测定方法,包括定性分析、定量分析和实例测定分析;

    The experiment of paclobutrazol test in mango leaves with gas chromatograph was introduced , including qualitative analysis , quantative analysis and the test analysis as an example ;
