
  1. 首尔一家形象咨询公司的负责人KimGyu-ri说,李雪主在韩国获得的关注多为正面,部分原因是她显示了一种时尚感。

    Kim Gyu-ri , who runs an image-consulting firm in Seoul , said Ms. Ri is getting mostly positive attention in South Korea , in part because she 's displayed a fashion sensibility .

  2. 李雪主的出现无助于改变朝韩之间相互不满的关系。

    The emergence of Ms. Ri does nothing to alter the fractious state of relations between the two Koreas .

  3. 韩国负责处理南北关系的统一部说,2005年9月赴仁川参加锦标赛的朝鲜人名单上,有一位名叫李雪主的女孩。

    South Korea 's Unification Ministry , which handles inter-Korean relations , said a girl named Ri Sol Ju was on the list of North Koreans who visited Incheon for the September 2005 event .

  4. 韩国媒体、政府机构和独立朝鲜分析人士整天都在梳理朝鲜媒体以前的报道和过去10年朝鲜人到访韩国的记录,看有没有李雪主的线索。

    South Korean media , government agencies and independent analysts of North Korea spent the day scouring old North Korean media accounts and records of North Korean visitors to the South over the past decade for references to Ms. Ri .