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  1. 李益诗歌用韵考

    A Textual Research on the Rhyming in Li Yi 's Poetry

  2. 李益生平及诗歌研究辨正

    A Criticism on the Studies of Li Yi 's Life and His Poetical Works

  3. 李益研究状况综述

    Review of Li Yi research achievements

  4. 李益是中唐著名的边塞诗人,他人生的壮年时代都是在边塞度过的,他的足迹遍及今甘肃、陕西、内蒙古、北京等地。

    During this period he travelled to Gansu , Shanxi , In-Mongolia , Beijing ( nowadays name ), and so on , and created a series of frontier poems on the basis of his life in the troop .