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  1. 为提高大石早生李初果期坐果率,于盛花期进行人工授粉、环剥和环割、喷施激素和微肥试验。

    For raising the fruit-setting rate in first fruiting period of Dashi early plum , artificial pollination , girdling , spraying plant growth regulators and applying microelement fertilizer were conducted in blooming stage .

  2. 此外,通过SDS-PAGE法分析蛋白质,结果表明,冷冲击处理能延缓柰李果实冷藏期的蛋白质降解,提高柰李果实的抗冷性。

    Furthermore , through SDS-PAGE analysis , the cold shock treatment was found able to delay the discomposition of proteins , hence to raise the tolerance of CI of Nai-plum fruit .

  3. 不同贮藏时期李果实货架期品质的变化

    Change of Shelf Quality of Plum Fruit at Different Storage Period