
  • Li Chen;Jerry Lee;Nic;NiC IS COMING
  1. 让中国软件走向世界&记北京东联华兴软件公司董事长李晨

    Let Chinese software go to the world - Interview Li Chen-President of Beijing Oriental United Software

  2. 这是我的小姐姐,他的名字叫李晨,一个双子座女生。

    This is my little sister , she 's name is LiChen , A Gemini girls .

  3. 李晨从浪子到明星

    From Libertine to Star

  4. 而毕业于山东大学的李晨(音译)则认为他在非洲的这段志愿者经历更有实质意义。

    Li Chen , a Shandong University graduate , found his experience of volunteer work in Africa more substantial .

  5. 李晨说:包括盗窃在内的任何一种校园犯罪都会对学生的心态产生严重影响。

    Any campus crime , theft included , can have a great impact on students ' mindsets , said Li Chen .

  6. 他们中的一位将李晨引荐给广州某非政府组织做实习生,后来他在那里得到了一份全职工作。

    One of them recommended Li to a Guangzhou-based NGO as an intern and Li was later offered a full-time job there .

  7. 李晨经纪人刘陆表示:“感谢大家的关心与祝福,如果有(喜事),他们会告诉大家。”

    Liu Lu , Li Chen 's agent , expressed gratitude for public attention and blessings and added that if there were good news , the couple would share it .

  8. 李晨表示:各种国际组织及非政府组织都会长期驻扎非洲。那里是一个建立关系网的理想之地,这将对你今后在相关领域中的职业生涯有所帮助。

    International organizations and NGOs of every kind have a presence in Africa . It is the ideal place to form a network that would help your career in a related field , said Li .

  9. 在第三季的成员将会于新一季全部回归,他们分别是:AngelaBaby、邓超、李晨、郑恺、陈赫、王祖蓝以及流行歌手鹿晗。

    Cast members for season 3 will all return to this new season , which includes AngelaBaby , Deng Chao , Li Chen , Zheng Kai , Chen He , Wong Cho-lam , as well as pop singer Lu Han .