
  • Li Yifeng;Lee;Yifeng Li;I-FENG LEE
  1. 演员阵容包括李易峰和TFBOYS。

    It boasts a cast of red-hot stars including Li Yifeng and TFBOYS .

  2. 去年暑假,27岁的李易峰因出演《古剑奇谭》而走红全国。

    Last summer , the 27-year-old shot to national fame with the hit drama Swords of Legends .

  3. 当看到郑元畅,李多海和李易峰这些名字同时出现在一部剧集里,你或许会认为这又是一部俊男靓女云集的爱情剧罢了。

    If names like Joe Cheng , Lee Da-hae and Li Yifeng were put together in a series , you would think it was just another romantic TV series with pretty faces .

  4. 但是在这个137分钟的松弛故事里,冯小刚的犀利时刻被各种老掉牙的家庭戏和笨拙的情节淹没了,饰演六爷之子的李易峰也显得一般。

    But the baggy 137-minute story drowns out Mr. Feng 's assorted sharp moments with hoary family drama and clumsy plotting , and Li Yifeng is generic as Mr. Six 's son .

  5. 演唱会上,李易峰演绎了16首歌曲。平心而论,与专业歌手相比,他的表现距离完美还有很大差距,演唱中不乏一些破音和跑调。

    Li performed 16 songs at the concert , which , to be honest , was far from perfect compared with professional singers . There were some notes broken or not in tune .

  6. 以李易峰、井柏然、陈伟霆等从选秀节目上初露头角的艺人为代表,“小鲜肉”明星几乎都是85后。没有受过专业的表演培训,他们曾在演戏还是唱歌之间摇摆不定,还有一些为了成为专业演员而不停奋斗着。

    were born after 1985 and first gained attention through talent shows . Without specialized acting training , they have wasted a few years wavering between a career in singing or acting . Many still struggle to be recognized as professional actors .