
  • Li Min;Min Li;Lee Min;Erica Lee
  1. 李敏现在的研究肯定了那些发现,同时也提示高表达的ZIP4可以增加细胞对锌的吸收,最终导致肿瘤更快的生长。

    Li 's current study confirmed those findings and also showed that overexpressed ZIP4 increases zinc uptake by the cell , which results in significantly increased tumor growth .

  2. 2004年李敏[5]提出下整和图的概念.令Q+表示正有理数集。

    In 2004 , Li min [ 5 ] introduced the concept of lower integral sum graph .

  3. 近日,李敏被西安赛瑞喜来登大酒店任命为市场销售总监。

    Lucy Li has been appointed as the Director of Sales and Marketing at Sheraton Xian North City Hotel .

  4. 李敏是上海本地人,她说:他不愿意分给我一砖一瓦。

    " He ` s reluctant to share a single tile with me ," said Li , a Shanghai native .

  5. 新华社报导称,李敏表示认罪,并说不会上诉。

    Li pled guilty and said she would not appeal the sentence , Xinhua reported ( in Chinese here ) .

  6. 去年11月,李敏向中央电视台提交了一份报导,称太原市杏花岭区检察机关在吴晓辉一案中滥用权力。

    In November , Li filed a CCTV report alleging that the Xinghualing procuratorate was abusing its power by prosecuting Wu Xiaohui .

  7. 法院还称,去年秋季李敏利用其作为国家媒体工作人员的职务,干扰本案的侦查活动。

    The court also said Ms. Li abused her position as a state media worker to intervene in the case last fall .

  8. 据法院文件称,吴晓辉的弟弟吴晓华在2008年7月认识了李敏。

    Wu Xiaohua , the jailed Wu 's younger brother , met Ms. Li in July 2008 , according to court documents .

  9. 李敏,一位指导这次研究的副教授说这次发现可以同时有助于扩展中药的应用范围。

    Li Min , an associate professor who led the study , said the findings could also help boost the profile of Chinese medicine .

  10. 公众对李敏一案的争论主要集中在两个问题上:她收到的轿车是否应算作贿赂;

    Public debate over Ms. Li 's case has focused largely on two issues : whether the car she received should be considered a bribe ;

  11. 次月,李敏被指控接受了吴晓华价值20万元的现金和昂贵物品(包括一辆轿车)而被逮捕。

    Ms. Li was arrested the following month for accepting cash and expensive items ( including a car ) worth 200000 yuan from the jailed man 's brother .

  12. 参加全程马拉松的山东省兖州教区圣神婢女会李敏和张瑞娟修女以五小时十五分到达终点,湖北省的叶飞神父以三分钟之差到达终点。

    Holy Spirit Sisters Li Min and Zhang Reijuan from Shandong completed the42-km full course in just over five hours with Father Ye Fei finishing a few minutes behind them .

  13. 李敏在辩护中说,她与吴晓华是恋人关系,她接受的这些物品属于礼物,而非贿赂。

    In her defense , Ms. Li said that she was in a romantic relationship with Wu Xiaohua and that the items she had received were gifts and not bribes .

  14. 山西省太原市杏花岭区人民法院认定,31岁的李敏收取了接受当地检察机关调查的某人弟弟的3.7万元贿赂。

    The Xinghualing District Court in Taiyuan city , capital of Shanxi , found 31-year-old Li Min guilty of taking 37000 yuan from the brother of a man who was under investigation by local prosecutors .

  15. 根据本周法院的最终报告,李敏的律师最终成功地将轿车从贿赂物品清单中去掉,令收取贿赂的数额仅为3.7万元。

    Ms. Li 's lawyer ultimately succeeded in having the car removed from the list of bribery items , according to the court 's final report this week , which put the amount involved at only 37000 yuan .

  16. 尽管李敏与吴晓华的关系同她对吴晓辉一案的报导之间明显存在利益冲突,但一些观察人士也把李敏被逮捕视为政府部门干涉新闻自由的又一起案件。

    Despite the apparent conflict of interest between Ms. Li 's relationship with Wu Xiaohua and her reporting on his brother 's legal troubles , some observers interpret Ms. Li 's arrest as another case of official interference with press freedoms .

  17. 李敏敬上亲爱的李女士:通过我公司的考察,我们深深地感到您与派乐之间存在着相呼应的理念,这将保证此事业的成功。

    Sincerely yours , Li Min Dear Ms. Li , Through the examination of our company , we strongly feel that there is both a professional and personal fit between you and Pala , which will ensure the success of this venture .

  18. 5.许可证申请尊敬的派乐集团总裁:本人,李敏,特此郑重申请贵公司商标使用许可证,因此我位于武汉市莲湖路18号的店面便可以获准使用“派乐”商标。

    Dear President of Pala , I , Li Min , do hereby apply for a license to show the trademark of your corporation , " Pala , " at my place of business situated at 18 Lotus Lake Road , in Wuhan .