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  • 网络Joseph Li Shan;Lyson
  1. 李山的生物艺术在科幻小说和生物学的潜在发展之间不断游移。

    Li Shan 's biological art vacillates between science fiction and potential developments in biology .

  2. 王广义、李山和罗氏兄弟的作品都是「政治波普」的代表。

    This was especially the case in the works of Wang Guangyi , Li Shan , and the Luo Brothers .

  3. 这些作品是李山所谓“生物艺术”的典型例证,即将生物学的最新进步与艺术相融合。

    These works are examples of what Li Shan calls " biological art ," which fuses the latest advancements in biology with art .

  4. 展览《阅读》记录了李山的“生物艺术”系列作品。

    Reading documents Li Shan 's exploration and creation of " biological art ," which fuses the latest advancements in biology with art .