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  1. 之后,李就决定缴纳75美元以换得Emoji管理监督机构Unicode的会员资格。

    Lee paid $ 75 for a basic membership to Unicode Consortium , which oversees and governs the evolution of emojis .

  2. 罗伯特?李就这样在他血肉相连的人民需要的时刻,来到他出生的弗吉尼亚州!

    Thus came Robert E.Lee to the state of his birth and to the people of his blood in their hour of need !

  3. 他们都是哈斯商学院2008级学生,初次见面时,李就给他留下了深刻的印象。

    From the very first time they met at Haas as incoming MBA students in 2008 , Lee impressed him as a bright and daring young man with a driving ambition and a relentless focus on wanting to become an entrepreneur .