
  • 网络PARK Chan-Wook;Chan-Wook Park
  1. 评审团的四位男性成员是韩国导演、编剧兼制片人朴赞郁,美国演员、制片人兼音乐家威尔·史密斯、意大利导演、编剧保罗·索伦蒂诺和法国作曲家盖伯瑞·雅德。

    The four male members of the jury are South korean director , screenwriter and producer Park Chan-wook , American actor , producer and musician Will Smith , Italian director and screenwriter Paolo Sorrentino and French composer Gabriel Yared .

  2. 如果说这时候的朴赞郁还只是从感官层次上找寻拍摄经验,那么到了拍摄复仇系列阶段,就是朴赞郁真正显示本性和释放魅力的时期了。

    If Park Chan-wook is just to take experience from the shallow level of the sense organs at that time , he was real to show his natural character and release magic power in the series stage of the " revenge " .

  3. 朴赞郁的形而上学的怪物电影“蝙蝠”在好莱坞环球电影工作室的支持下制作的。

    Park 's metaphysical monster movie " Thirst " was made with the backing of Hollywood studio Universal Pictures & a first for a Korean film .