
yǒu xù
  • order
有序 [yǒu xù]
  • (1) [ordered]

  • (2) 具有按规律接连起来的元素;特指具有每对不同元素以不对称的传递关系相连系着的性质

  • (3) 有指定的首元素

  • (4) 溶剂和溶质的原子有规则地排列为特征

有序[yǒu xù]
  1. 他从事研究物质在有序与无序的细微临界处的行为变化。

    He has spent his career studying how matter behaves at the fine edge between order and disorder .

  2. 安定有序是社会发展的先决条件。

    Social order and stability is a prerequisite to social development .

  3. 迎接殿下到来的准备工作在有序进行。

    The preparations for the reception of his Royal Highness proceeded .

  4. 米兰队攻入第八粒进球后,观众有序地涌进球场。

    There was a peaceful pitch invasion after Milan 's eighth goal .

  5. 高级将领整齐有序地在他身后站成几排。

    The senior leaders lined up behind him in orderly rows

  6. 叛乱者组织有序,纪律性强,武装精良。

    The rebels are well organised , disciplined and very well armed .

  7. 这似乎是继续下去的一种明智而有序的做法。

    It seemed a sensible and methodical way of proceeding .

  8. 需要对你的工作日进行精确有序的安排。

    Your working day will need to be organized with military precision .

  9. 你要提供连贯有序的娱乐活动,否则孩子们就有可能兴奋过头。

    You 'll need to provide continuous , organised entertainment or children may get over-excited .

  10. 尽管选举前发生了暴力事件,报道说投票得以和平有序地进行。

    Despite the violence that preceded the elections , reports say that polling was orderly and peaceful .

  11. 您所处的是像阿曼或阿联酋那样管控有序的市场吗?

    Are you in a regulated market , like Oman or uae ?

  12. 另一个尝试是有序的。

    Another try was in order .

  13. 为了确保疫苗有序接种,该医院开通了预约系统。

    To ensure orderly vaccination , the hospital has adopted a booking system .

  14. 资源高效配置、商品自由流动、竞争公平有序

    efficient allocation of resources , free flow of goods , and fair and orderly competition

  15. 要加强政策、标准对接,搭建“快捷通道”,便利人员有序往来。

    We need to further harmonize policies and standards and establish “ fast tracks ” to facilitate the orderly flow of personnel .

  16. 国家互联网信息办公室27日发布了网络空间安全战略,倡导和平、安全、开放、合作、有序的发展目标。

    China 's top Internet regulator released a cyberspace security strategy on Tuesday , advocating peace , security , openness , cooperation and order .

  17. 举个例子,为了让图片上的汉堡包看起来很美味,食物造型师会在面包上用胶水整齐有序地粘上一粒粒芝麻。

    For example , to make a photo of a hamburger that looks delicious , food stylist may use glue to cover the bun methodically with sesame seeds .

  18. 允许开办临时占道市场,免收占道费,但必须有序开展经营活动。

    There will be no charge for running a business in a designated roadside area , but they must operate in an orderly manner , the office said .

  19. 虽然我对选举结果完全不认同,事实也证明我是对的,不过,1月20日的权力交接会有序进行的。

    Even though I totally disagree with the outcome of the election , and the facts bear me out , nevertheless there will be an orderly transition on January 20th .

  20. 明朝统治中国276年,被人们描绘成人类历史上治理有序、社会稳定的最伟大的时代之一。这一时期,手工业的发展促进了市场经济和城市化。大量商品,包括酒和丝绸,都在市场销售。

    The Ming dynasty ruled China for 276 years , which is depicted1 as one of the feudal2 dynasties that are governed orderly and stabilized3 in the history.In this period , the development of handicraft promoted the market economyand urbanization.An ocean of commodities , including wine and silk , were sold on the market .

  21. Fuzzy逻辑与有序代数

    Fuzzy logic and ordered algebras

  22. 部署组(DeploymentGroup)是可以从工作空间中的项目部署的工件的有序列表。

    A Deployment Group is an ordered list of supported deployable artifacts from projects in your workspace .

  23. Nb和Al含量对Nb在TiAl中有序化的影响

    Effects of Nb and Al Contents on the Nb Ordering in TiAl

  24. 插层化合物M(x)TiS2中M离子的三维有序结构

    The 3-D ordered structures of M-ions in intercalation compounds M_xTiS_2

  25. 微斜长石中Al和Si的有序-无序及其对寄主岩石冷却历史的指示

    The Order-Disorder of Al and Si in Microclines and Its Implication for the Cooling History of the Host Rocks

  26. 复合钙钛矿型Ba(Mg(1/3)Ta(2/3))O3中B位有序结构的研究

    Ordered structure in complex perovskite ba ( mg 1 / 3 TA 2 / 3 ) o 3

  27. 钙钛矿型铁电体Pb(Sc,Ta)O3中有序畴生长模型的初步研究

    The growth model of the ordered domain in ferroelectrics Pb ( sc , ta ) o_3

  28. 因此,如何在WTO规则下,重构中国粮食流通新体制,营造一个有序的开放型市场格局环境就成为一个非常现实的问题。

    Thus , it is very practical task to reconstruct new system of foodstuff circulation and create a openly and orderly structure of market .

  29. 低表面活性剂浓度下有序介孔SiO2的制备及性能

    Synthesis and Properties of Ordered Mesoporous Silica in a Low Surfactant Condition

  30. 有序样品的Fisher聚类对中华绒螯蟹渔获物的分析

    Analysis on Eriocheir sinensis catches Based on Fisher 's Clustering Method for Sequence Data