首页 / 词典 / good


  • 网络Zeng Dian
  1. 我记得你和我儿子曾有点不愉快。

    I remember you have an unpleasant history with my son .

  2. 官方新华社说,其中三人属于乐康乳业有限公司;乐康乳业有限公司在此前的毒奶粉事件中曾被点过名。

    The state-run Xinhua news agency says three of the people were officials with Lekang Dairy Company , which was named in a previous toxic milk scandal .

  3. 雅虎健康曾盘点过面部特征与他相似的一些男星,其中包括丹尼尔•克雷格、大卫•贝克汉姆等,发现他们的帅气都属于粗犷奔放一类,可谓“男人中的男人”。

    Yahoo Health put together a piece on other celebrities with similar facial features including Daniel Craig and David Beckham and concluded they are all ruggedly handsome men 's men .

  4. 晚清官僚董恂任总理各国事务大臣期间,曾评点长篇通俗章回小说《儿女英雄传》。

    During his term of office as the Foreign Affairs Minister in the later Qing Dynasty , Dong Xun commented on The Biography of the Heroic Youth , a popular and traditional novel .

  5. 我的父亲,埃利阿斯,曾在这儿点过一个三明治。

    My father , elias , once ordered a sandwich here .

  6. 我的金条突然融化烧掉,你可曾觉得有点迷乱吗?

    Have you been slightly dazzled at the sudden fusion of my ingots ?

  7. 我曾以超过点四八的重力「极度加速」。

    There was one extreme acceleration where I exceed . 48 Gs of force .

  8. 以前他曾显得有点孤僻冷漠。

    He had seemed before a little aloof .

  9. 他表示:所有人都曾将3000点视为一个心理关口。

    Everybody drew 3,000 points as a line in the sand , he says .

  10. 执行功能点估算的人可曾接受功能点估算培训?他们有证书么?

    Is the person performing the function point count trained in Function Point Counting ? Are they certified ?

  11. 当时,来自惠普创始人家族部分成员的反对意见曾差一点令该公司股东拒绝这一收购计划。

    Dissent from some members of the HP founders ' families almost led to a rejection of the deal by shareholders .

  12. 但是我不曾遇到一点困难,朋友们给我准备好了一切,使我不会缺少甚么。

    But I never ran into any trouble because my friends had done their utmost to make sure that I would be short of nothing .

  13. 官员并不清楚事故发生的具体原因,但一家公用事业公司表示曾在9点后接到过气体泄漏的电话。

    Officials aren 't certain why this happened , but a utility company said it got a call about a gas leak just after 9 a.m.

  14. “啊,没错!”杰瑞回忆起一场他曾效过点力的审判。“我见过他的。死了,是么?”

    " Why , to be sure !" exclaimed jerry , recalling the trial at which he had assisted . " I 've seen him . dead , is he ?"

  15. 因为我记得,我曾差一点就没机会再告诉她,我真的有多爱她;感谢姐姐,我还有机会。

    I remember when I almost didn 't have the chance to tell her again how much I really do love her , and I thank her I still can .

  16. 喝点酸梅汁,解解渴。查理·梅的态度是有点嘲弄的,因为他和朱丽亚曾有过点眉目传情的事,而给韩蒙严峻地破坏了。

    Drink some sweet-sour plum juice to quench your thirst . Charlie May was slightly satirical , for he had flirted a very little with Julia , and Hammond had cut up very roughly .

  17. 金融市场对纾困协议反应冷淡,欧洲股市下跌,尽管道琼斯工业平均指数(DowJonesIndustrialAverage)盘中曾一度升至13000点上方(这是自2008年5月以来的首次)。

    Financial markets gave a muted response to the bail-out with European shares falling while the Dow Jones Industrial Average briefly rose above 13,000 for the first time since May 2008 .

  18. 妈妈曾努力解释过点,如今我真正感悟到了。

    Mother tried to explain , and now I understand .

  19. 尽管我们有分歧,共和党领导人和我以前曾找到过共同点。

    Despite our disagreements , Republican leaders and I have found common ground before .

  20. 基督山先生有一次曾在这一点上对我讲过这一番话,那是我永远不会忘记的。

    And m.de Monte Cristo once gave me a lecture on that subject , which I have never forgotten .

  21. 曾学过一点英语,但由于多年不用,已是完全还给老师了。

    Once has studied an English , but because many years do not use , already were completely also give teacher .

  22. 据说两人还曾在泰勒家点过外卖,和朋友晚上聚餐。

    The duo also reportedly ordered a takeaway during their stay at the singer 's house and invited some friends over for the evening .

  23. 为了更好地从事科研工作,我曾学过一点英语;而这时这些知识对我很有助益。

    I had learned a little English the better to pursue my scientific researches , and this knowledge was now to stand me in good stead .

  24. 道琼斯指数在消息传出的几分钟内上涨100点。美联储发表声明之前,该指数曾下跌约60点。

    The Dow Jones , which had been down about 60 points prior to the Fed 's statement was 100 points higher within minutes of the news crossing the wires .

  25. 她那厚厚的长发在她初病时曾剪去一点,现在她简单地梳梳,听其自然地披在她的鬓角和颈子上。

    Her thick , long hair had been partly removed at the beginning of her illness , and now she wore it simply combed in its natural tresses over her temples and neck .

  26. 我前面曾指出的一点是,人类将不能见证太阳的最后生命时刻,那时的生物与我们的差别将和我们现在与细菌间的差别一样悬殊。

    As I should have shown this earlier , it will not be humans who witness the end point of the sun ; it will be creatures as different from us as we are from bacteria .

  27. 确实,外国投资者会发现,过去20年里日本股市尤其令人失望;日经指数目前仅略高于10500点,而泡沫鼎盛时期曾达到过39000点的峰值。

    It is true that foreign investors will have found the country 's stock market a particularly disappointing venue in the past two decades ; the Nikkei currently stands at a little over 10,500 , compared with 39,000 at the peak of the bubble .