
  1. 当时爱因斯坦确实写过一封信,因为大会曾征求其他获奖者的意见。

    Well , Albert Einstein really wrote a letter because they asked for opinions of other Nobel Prizes .

  2. 他们无以伦比的歌声,曾征服了全美国,甚至欧洲和亚洲的听众。

    Their incomparable singing voice has conquered audience all over the USA , even further to Europe and Asia .

  3. 公共设施法或许是在做出决断的过程中寻找指导原则的一个依据,因为该法曾是征用法的一个分支。

    Public utility law might be an appropriate place to look for guidance in making that determination , particularly since public utility law was once a branch of taking law .

  4. 美国《财富》杂志曾在征答栏中刊登过这么一个题目:假如让你重新选择,你做什么?

    What would you like to be if you were given another life ? That 's a question raised in the column " Answers Solicited " of the American journal Fortune .