
  • 网络Pullman;Philip Pullman
  1. 为了使像Trimt酒店这样的大型建筑水平上升,普尔曼将在建筑物的地基下放置数千个螺丝钉。

    To lift a big structure like the Tremont Hotel , Pullman would place thousands of jackscrews beneath the building 's foundation .

  2. 在普尔曼的信号下,每个人同时转动相同数量的螺旋千斤顶,从而使建筑物缓慢而均匀地升起。

    At Pullman 's signal each man turned his jackscrew the same amount at the same time , thereby raising the building slowly and evenly .

  3. 坦普尔曼把他的绳子解下来,带回了他的家。

    Templeton untied his string and took it back to his home .

  4. 坦普尔曼的牙使劲儿地嗑着木头,弄出很大的动静。

    Templeton 's teeth scraped loudly against the wood and made quite a racket .

  5. 当然,可怜的坦普尔曼可悲地损失了他收藏的蛋。

    Templeton , of course , was miserable over the loss of his beloved egg .

  6. 正在家里休息的坦普尔曼急急躲进了谷仓。

    Templeton , who had been resting in his home , scuttled away into the barn .

  7. 这时,坦普尔曼从他在威伯食槽下的藏身处露出了鼻子。

    At this point , Templeton showed his nose from his hiding place under Wilbur 's trough .

  8. 第一次醒来时,他听到坦普尔曼在谷仓里打洞的声音。

    The first time he woke , he heard Templeton gnawing a hole in the grain bin .

  9. 他虽然既结实又勇猛,但事实上,母鹅和公鹅还是有对坦普尔曼担心的充分理由。

    He was strong and brave , but the truth is , both the goose and the gander were worried about Templeton . And with good reason .

  10. 鲁维把威伯的食槽拽到了院子中间后,往耗子洞踢进了一些脏土,将那只破蛋和坦普尔曼其他的收藏品一起盖上。

    And Lurvy dragged Wilbur ’ s trough across the yard and kicked some dirt into the rat ’ s nest , burying the broken egg and all Templeton ’ s other possessions .

  11. 他本打算给坦普尔曼留下半根面条和几滴牛奶,可是又一想老鼠也有救夏洛的功劳,而夏洛又在准备救自己,便给老鼠留了一整根儿的面条,而不是半根。

    He planned to leave half a noodle and a few drops of milk for Templeton . Then he remembered that the rat had been useful in saving Charlotte ’ s life , and that Charlotte was trying to save his life . So he left a whole noodle , instead of a half .

  12. 2月,奥巴马总统把普尔曼历史区(PullmanHistoricDistrict)列为国家遗迹,于是芝加哥有了第一个国家公园。

    In February , President Obama gave Chicago its first national park site when he designated the Pullman Historic District a national monument .

  13. 参演的明星包括饰演美林银行(MerrillLynch)CEO约翰•塞恩的马修•莫迪恩,饰演摩根大通(JPMorganChase)CEO杰米•戴蒙的比尔•普尔曼。

    The celebrity-as-CEOs list included Matthew Modine as Merrill Lynch CEO John Thane and Bill Pullman as JPMorgan Chase JPM 1.17 % CEO Jamie Dimon .

  14. Yelp公司发言人史蒂芬妮-伊奇诺斯证实了该公司CEO杰里米-斯托普尔曼出席了宴会的消息,他昨晚与其他高层们一起出席了晚宴。

    Stephanie Ichinose , a spokesperson for Yelp , confirmed CEO Jeremy Stoppelman 's attendance : He was at a dinner with a bunch of execs last night .

  15. Yelp公司CEO杰里米-斯托普尔曼:梅耶尔是Yelp本地商家评论网站的早期热心用户,她在谷歌工作时,曾试图收购这家网站。

    Jeremy Stoppelman , CEO , Yelp : Mayer , an early and enthusiastic user of Yelp , tried to buy the local-business-reviews site when she worked at Google .

  16. Yelp公司发言人史蒂芬妮-伊奇诺斯证实了该公司CEO杰里米-斯托普尔曼出席了宴会的消息,“他昨晚与其他高层们一起出席了晚宴。其他无可奉告。”对此事没有其他更多评论。

    Stephanie Ichinose , a spokesperson for Yelp , confirmed CEO Jeremy Stoppelman 's attendance : " He was at a dinner with a bunch of execs last night . Nothing more to report . " No one else has commented on the event .

  17. 普尔曼教授开发了一种他所谓的自杀分子。

    Professor Perlman developed what he calls a suicide molecule .

  18. 请替我接一个叫人的电话给吉姆?贝克,由受话人付钱。我叫比尔?普尔曼。

    Please place a person-to-person collect call to Jim Baker from Bill Pullman .

  19. 我要求有人保护我,以免坦普尔曼小姐向我发火。

    I wanted someone to protect me from the wrath of miss templeman .

  20. 哈里斯•普尔曼说新的治疗手段在老鼠身上没有产生明显的副作用。

    Harris Perlman says the new treatment produced no major side effects in the mice .

  21. 我们将加利福尼亚州的凯撒查韦斯、芝加哥的普尔曼搬运工纪念馆

    We 've designated new monuments to Cesar Chavez in California , the Pullman porters in Chicago ,

  22. 虽然和坦普尔曼谈天不是这世上最有趣的事情,但至少比什么都不做要好。

    2-Talking with Templeton was not the most interesting occupation in the world but it was better than nothing .

  23. 在普尔曼笔下,乐园实际上是现实生活的翻版,充满了悲伤、无奈、战争与死亡。

    The " paradise " in His Dark Materials is actually a replica of the real life which is full of sorrow , war , death .

  24. 在普尔曼版本的福音故事中,玛丽有一对双生子而非独子&其中的耶稣得神恩赐、虔诚、谦卑,而他的兄弟基督则攻于心计、胸有城府。

    As he tells the Gospel story , Mary did not have one son but twins & a gifted but pious and humble one called Jesus and his more calculating and sophisticated brother , Christ .

  25. 但是普尔曼所建构的乐园的意义就在于它既有残酷的一面,又有光明的一面,总是透漏出一种积极乐观的态度展望未来,充满美的光辉。

    But it aims to show not only the dark side but also the bright side of life , and this " paradise ", wrapping itself with aesthetic values , always carries on a greatly positive attitude towards future .

  26. 具体安排和公共参观时间还在制定当中,但等不及一睹其历史意义的游客可以到普尔曼历史基金、普尔曼州立历史遗迹或A·菲利普·兰道尔夫·普尔曼工人博物馆参观。

    Programming and public visiting hours are still being established , but those who can 't wait to witness its historical significance can find guided tours and more at the Historic Pullman Foundation , the Pullman State Historic Site or the A. Philip Randolph Pullman Porter Museum .