
  • 网络Seongju-gun
  1. 星州郡位于韩国首都首尔东南方135英里处,那里的居民顶着炎炎烈日聚到一起,谴责政府把所谓的末段高空区域防御系统(TerminalHigh-AltitudeAreaDefense,简称“萨德”)的部署地点选在自己的家门口。

    Villagers rallied under a sweltering sun to condemn the choice of their county , Seongju , which is about 135 miles southeast of Seoul , the capital , for the so-called Terminal High-Altitude Area Defense system , known as Thaad .

  2. 韩国和美国于上周五宣布达成部署“萨德”的协议后,当地媒体报道称,备选部署地点包括星州郡和其它几个城镇。

    After South Korea and the United States announced the agreement to deploy Thaad on Friday , local news reports mentioned Seongju and several other towns as possible sites .

  3. 国防部还表示,雷达系统将采取特定的安置方式,这样其强烈的信号便不会对人体健康构成威胁。但星州郡的村民并不接受这个保证。

    It said the radar system would be positioned in such a way that its powerful signals would pose no threat to human health , an assurance that villagers in Seongju did not accept .