
  • 网络convolvulus;Calystegia;Convolvulus L;Convolvulus Linn
  1. 西蒙为旋花科甘薯属植物,巴西民间证明,西蒙薯块具有止血作用。

    Simon belongs to Ipomoea category of Convolvulaceae section , and the traditional usage of simon in Brazil has proved its effect on hemostasis .

  2. 旋花一种蔓生或缠绕的打碗花属和旋花属的蔓延植物,开白色、粉色或紫色钟状或漏斗形的花

    Any of various trailing or twining , often weedy plants of the genera Calystegia and Convolvulus , having white , pink , or purple bell-shaped or funnel-shaped flowers . You ( or One ) cannot make a silk purse out of a sow 's ear