
xuán rào
  • Coiling;wind around;revolve around;curl up;drift about;circumvolve
旋绕 [xuán rào]
  • [circumvolute;curl up;wind around] 作涡旋状地缠绕或转动

旋绕[xuán rào]
  1. 峡中云雾轻巧舒卷,飘零旋绕,幻化莫测,为它们平添了几分绰约的风韵;

    Xia Shujuan light in the clouds , the wind around lively , unpredictable , as they are added to a fraction of the graceful charm ;

  2. 炊烟旋绕。

    A wisp of smoke is curling up from a chimney .

  3. 一种旋绕型频率选择表面的传输特性分析

    Transmission Characteristics of a Convoluted Frequency Selective Surface

  4. 同时给出了弹簧重量最小时旋绕比值计算的简单的显函数公式。

    Simple equations for calculating the winding ratio ensuring the minimum weight of spring are provided .

  5. 船桨的节奏声和白水急流旋绕过船头。

    The rhythm of the oars and the rush of white water curling past the bows .

  6. 在南半球,反气旋绕高压中心反时针方向吹,与北半球情况相反。

    In the Southern Hemisphere an anticyclone circulates counterclockwise around the high-pressure center , as contrasted to the Northern Hemisphere .

  7. 从祖父烟斗里喷出的白色烟雾在我们脑袋周围上下旋绕,它们散发的樱桃香味使贪婪的蚊子不敢靠近。

    Cherry-scented smoke from Grampy 's pipe kept the hungry mosquitoes at bay while gray , wispy swirls danced around our heads .

  8. 马尔代夫的哈尼法如湾内,一群重达2000磅,姿态优雅、捕食高效的蝠鲼正在吞食被银河鱼旋绕住的印度洋磷虾。

    Graceful and efficient , 2,000-pound mantas feed on Indian Ocean krill as silversides swirl around them in Hanifaru Bay in the Maldives .

  9. 蝠鲼,哈尼法如海湾,马尔代夫马尔代夫的哈尼法如湾内,一群重达2000磅,姿态优雅、捕食高效的蝠鲼正在吞食被银河鱼旋绕住的印度洋磷虾。

    Graceful and efficient , 2000-pound mantas feed on Indian Ocean krill as silversides swirl around them in Hanifaru Bay in the Maldives .

  10. 采用微观可视化的高速摄像技术直接观察了燃烧源亚微米颗粒物间的相互作用形态,发现了亚微米颗粒间存在吸引-旋绕-排斥形态的相互作用。

    The microscopic interactions between submicron combustion particles were observed by high-speed photographing technology and the typical interaction mode of " attracting-revolvingrepulsing " was found .

  11. 我不排练任何这里的这些争论当他们依靠理论和实验证据的集合,那是旋绕并且有争议。

    I am not going to rehearse any of these arguments here as they rely on sets of theories and empirical evidence that are both convoluted and contentious .

  12. 奇正相生、相互转化,就好比圆环旋绕,无始无终,谁能穷尽呢。

    The direct and the indirect lead on to each other in turn.It is like moving in a circle -- you never come to an end.Who can exhaust the possibilities of their combination ?

  13. 结果表明,在环形扩压器入口给予适当旋绕能够显著改善扩压器的流场和性能,从而为此类扩压器的设计和研究提供了一种有效的手段。

    It was resulted that by giving an adequate whirl flow component at the inlet can acquire the best pressure recovery and that can be used as an useful means of examination of annular diffuser .