
  1. 作为一名顾问,他的工作是为外国公司在新厂选址问题上提供建议。

    His work as a consultant consisted in advising foreign companies on the siting of new factories .

  2. 新厂开工了。

    The new factory has gone into operation .

  3. 本论文主要在大连造船新厂船研所生产设计工作实际课题的基础上,进行了网络环境下CAD技术和数据管理技术的深入研究。

    Under the background of the requirements of the DNS SHIP DESIGN & RESEARCH iNSTITUTION , this dissertation has mainly researched the CADtechniques and the data management techniques based on network .

  4. 为改善烧结矿品质,炼铁新厂在烧结生产中试用了SYP烧结增效剂。

    SYP synergist was on trail to improve the grade of sinter .

  5. 独立厂牌“胖负鼠”(FatPossum)为了满足公司自己的需要,今年在孟菲斯开设了一家新厂,他们拥有9台机器。

    Fat Possum , another indie label , also started a new plant in Memphis this year to meet its own demand , with nine machines .

  6. GILDEMEISTER集团公司在上海开设新厂GILDEMEISTER集团公司第一个建立在欧洲以外地区的机床生产基地&发展中的中国市场

    GILDEMEISTER unveils new plant in Shanghai Eleventh site is first outside Europe-growth market China

  7. 参照百事公司去年投产的重庆灌装工厂模式,所有新厂都将达到LEED的环保设计标准。

    All new plants will meet LEED standards for environmental design , following the model of the company 's Chongqing beverage plant , which opened last year .

  8. 另外两家中国面板制造商龙腾(longteng)和深超(shenchao)也正筹划建立新厂。

    Longteng and shenchao , two other Chinese panel makers , are also planning new plants .

  9. rav4酷越车定于12月在安大略伍德斯托克附近的一家新厂投产。

    Production of the RAV4 crossover vehicle is due to start in December at a new plant near Woodstock , Ontario .

  10. 台湾制造集团富士康(Foxconn)计划在印度大举扩张,打算在2020年以前建造最多12家新厂,聘用多达100万名员工。该公司正艰难应对中国日益增长的薪资成本和不断增加的劳工纠纷。

    The Taiwanese manufacturing group Foxconn plans an aggressive expansion in India , building up to 12 new factories and employing as many as 1m workers by 2020 , as it battles rising wage costs and labour disputes in China .

  11. 然而,位于该州彭德尔顿的电工程公司雷米国际(RemyInternational)已经声明,该公司计划在明年某个时间国内在建一座工厂:但为了逃避RTW法案,该公司不会将新厂建在印州。

    However , Remy International , an electrical-engineering company based in Pendleton , Indiana , has stated that it plans to build another factory in America some time next year : but that in the absence of RTW legislation it will not build it in Indiana .

  12. 新厂拟建於此。

    A new factory is to be located on this site .

  13. 新厂对于你们公司的产能会有多少贡献?

    How much could this new factory contribute to your company ?

  14. 洛克希德飞机公司打算在那里建一座新厂之前。

    Lockheed plans to build a new plant in the area .

  15. 但总部和新厂两边都会开设同样的课程。

    We 'll be offering the same courses in both places .

  16. 我们有足够的资金建一个新厂。

    We have enough capital to establish a new plant .

  17. 你们说过很有兴趣在这里设新厂。

    You expressed a lot of interest in opening a franchise here .

  18. 工人应该对新厂发表意见。

    The workmen are to have their say about the new factory .

  19. 这个新厂从开张起就很成功。

    The new mill was a success from the start .

  20. 玫琳凯杭州新厂2006年投产。

    Mary Kay new mill in Hangzhou starts producing in2006 .

  21. 资阳新厂在节能减排和环境保护方面也堪称典范。

    Ziyang Greenfield applies the best practices in energy efficiency and environmental stewardship .

  22. 他们为新厂做了一个计划。

    They worked out plan for their new factory .

  23. 这不是开新厂的好时候。

    This is not an auspicious time to be opening a new factory .

  24. 哈萨克斯坦扎那诺尔油气处理新厂原油处理装置设计

    The design of treating equipments of Zhanazhol Oil and gas treating new plant

  25. 在新厂建设和老厂改造中均有良好的应用前景。

    It can be used for both new plant installation and existing plant retrofit .

  26. 总结炼铁新厂一年来精密点检工作的开展情况。

    It is one year since New Iron-making Plant implemented precision time-check for equipment .

  27. 日立精机在德国设新厂

    Hitachi Seiki Establishing New Plant in Germany

  28. 圣恺工业预计,新厂竣工后,其产能将扩大两倍以上。

    Once this new facility is complete , Shengkai expects capacity to more than treble .

  29. 这将该公司12年来首次在日本建新厂。

    The new diaper factory will be the company 's first in Japan for 12 years .

  30. 某造漆新厂建设项目职业病危害控制效果评价

    Evaluation of Control Effect on Occupational Hazards in Construction Project of a New Paint Manufacture Factory