
  • 网络Srinagar
  1. 军队目前在斯利那加巡逻,且已实行了宵禁。

    The army is now on patrol in Srinagar and a curfew has been imposed

  2. 克什米尔查谟市的首席部长OmarAbdullah,注视着右上方印度当局者联合进步联盟主席索尼娅.甘地和其他人挥手走下印度直航公司的一架飞机,这是到斯利那加的首次国际航班。

    Chief Minister of Jammu Kashmir state Omar Abdullah , top right , looks on as India 's ruling United Progressive Alliance Chairperson Sonia Gandhi and others wave from an Air India Express aircraft , the first international flight into Srinagar

  3. 早饭以后去国内的机场。然好,坐飞机去斯利那加。

    Morning proceed for domestic airport and fly for Srinager .

  4. 首先,印度航空公司将开通每周一次的杜拜和斯利那加之间的航班。

    To begin with , Air India will operate a weekly flight between Dubai and Srinagar .

  5. 斯利那加,寒冷的夜晚,一名克什米尔路边摊小贩,在集市上准备着自己的风味小吃。摄于1月10日。

    A Kashmiri roadside vendor prepares snacks at a market during a cold evening in Srinagar on Jan.10 .

  6. 去年,政府去年从克什米尔夏季首府斯利那加减少了16个军事燃料库。

    Last year , the government removed 16 military bunkers from Srinagar , the summer capital of Kashmir .

  7. 印度的当权者联合进步联盟的主席索尼娅.甘地周六为斯利那加的国际航空终端举行典礼。

    India 's ruling United Progressive Alliance 's chairwoman Sonia Gandhi inaugurated the international airport terminal in Srinagar Saturday .

  8. 对斯利那加精神病院的参观显示,该医院已是人满为患,病人们把超负荷工作的主治医生团团围住。

    A visit to Srinagar 's psychiatric hospital shows throngs of patients , crowding around its overworked chief consultant .

  9. 阿克什米尔销售佳肴之前宰牲节在斯利那加,印度,星期四,2009年11月26日节。

    A Kashmiri sells delicacies ahead of the Eid al-Adha festival , in Srinagar , India , Thursday , Nov.26,2009 .

  10. 克什米尔加入国际航空地图周六印度授权克什米尔加入国际航空地图,通过印度航空公司连接克什米尔首府斯利那加和迪拜。

    Indian administered Kashmir became part of the international aviation map on Saturday with an Air India flight connecting the summer capital Srinagar with Dubai .

  11. 印控克什米尔首府斯利那加的阴谋论者谴责印军高层才是破坏和平努力的黑手,因为印军在这片土地上能收获巨大的利益(和平了就不需要他们在这了)。

    Conspiracy theorists in Srinagar , the capital of Indian-controlled Kashmir , accuse India 's generals of sabotaging politicians'peace efforts because the armed forces reap big rewards in the territory .

  12. 抗议者从克什米尔主要城镇斯利那加前往谢赫.阿卜杜勒.阿齐兹的家乡帕姆珀尔。阿齐兹跟另外21人这个星期在抗议冲突中被警察打死。

    Protesters traveled from Kashmir 's main town Srinagar to the hometown Pampur of Sheikh Abdul Aziz who , along with 21 others , was killed by police this week in street battles .

  13. 43岁的罪犯理查德·德威特向警察坦言,是他谋杀了英国女游客萨拉·格鲁夫丝,过去两个月,该名女游客长住在案发地印控克什米尔斯利那加的达尔湖新美船屋。

    Richard De Wit , 43 , told police he had murdered Sarah Groves , who had been staying on the New Beauty houseboat at Dal Lake in the Indian Kashmir city of Srinagar for two months .

  14. 阿卜杜拉在位于斯利那加的戒备森严的办公室接受英国《金融时报》采访时表示:我不认为克什米尔会在印美关系发展方向中发挥非常重要的作用。白宫优先考虑的问题才会是决定因素。

    I don 't think Kashmir will be a very important factor in the direction of Indo-US relations , Mr Abdullah told the Financial Times in his heavily-guarded Srinagar office . Priorities in the White House will determine the relationship .