- porphyry;porphyrite;porphyre

It occurs in granodioritic porphyre and granitic porphyre and the spatial distribution of the jade veins are controlled by lithology .
Impurities of quartz in quartz-vein type of silver ore are coincided with those of the wall rock-quartz porphyre , This phenomena and O , S , Pb isotopes show that the porphyre is mother rock of the deposit .
The Dexing copper mine in Jiangxi Province is a porphyry copper ore field of veinlet-dissemi-nated type .
Experimental research on dissolution properties of Au and Pd contained in granite-porphyry
Evolution mechanism of inclusions and metallogenic pH condition of some major porphyry copper ( molybdenum ) deposits in China
Mineralogical implications for Au ( hs ) _2  ̄ - in porphyry type hydrothermal fluids
At lower portion of porphyry body , however , the illitic crystallinity vaule is mainly controlled by temperature and time .
Agreed that the study area good exploration potential for looking for volcanic-related epithermal Pb and Zn deposits and Mo polymetallic mine closely related to porphyry deposits .
The mid-west anomaly region is the common anomaly of Ag , Cu , Pb , Zn , indicative of dispersion trains of porphyry , but not one ore-caused anomaly .
The copper minerals in ores are rich , the degree of Cu in sulfide is high , indicating that porphyry Cu ( Au ) mineralization may exist in the depth .
Furthermore , zircon Hf isotope study indicates that the porphyry contains more mantle material and contaminated by continental crust during ascending and formed form a crust-mantle mixed origin .
The research on dissolution properties of Au and Pd contained in granite-porphyry is of great significance for the study of conditions under which Au and Pd dissolve , migrate and deposit .
Zircon U-Pb dating of the Bayan Bold granite-porphyry in Inner Mongolia : The age of the host rock of the Bayan Bold gold deposit
K / Ar isotope age from granite-porphyry and volcanic roks are 83 ~ 138 Ma .
The Yanbei porphyry tin deposit ( Sn-F type ) is characterized by enrichment of topaz of magmatic origin and thus differs from the world-famous Bolivian porphyry tin deposits ( Sn-B type ) which were rich in tourmaline .
The Don Javier porphyry copper deposit , part of porphyry copper belt in southern Peru , is a typical porphyry copper deposit in continental margin-arc environment .
Torgerson Method and Its Application to The Alteration and Mineralization Analysis of A Porphyry Copper-Molybdenum Deposit
The Rb-Sr isochron age of early ore-bearing breccia is 191 Ma , and the age of monzonitic granite porphyry emplaced after the early breccia pipe is 177 Ma .
This system have good application effect in the concealed metallic mine exploration confirmed by test research in known VHMS and porphyry copper mine .
The compressive stress of the first phase of post-mineralization should beNE-SW to NEE-SWW , providing a intrusion space for the lamprophyre .
Odinites associated with gold bearing quartz vein are enriched with large ionic lithophile element ( LILE ), H 2O , CO 2 , Au and alkali metals , which are all the enriched composition by ore forming fluid .
The ore forming process can be diveded into two stages obviously . In the early course , it may be related with porphyry Cu Au multimetallic ore deposit , complexes of gold bearing transport and activate in short distance , pile up and form ore in the sure places .
Concomitantly with the extensional crustal collapse after the uplift at about 15 Ma , the ore-bearing magmas were emplaced , forming porphyry copper deposits .
Zircon SHRIMP U-Pb dating yielded ages of 127.8 ± 2.6 and 112.0 ± 2.3 Ma for the two deposits respectively and indicates that the two deposits formed in a post-collisional stage of the orogen evolution ( the Bangong Co-Nujiang ocean basin closed at 145 Ma ) .
The K-feldspar K-Ar dating of the main orebodies reveals that the hydrothermal activity related to porphyry copper continued to ~ 182.5 ± 1.8 Ma , suggesting that the lifespan of the hydrothermal system lasted at least 40 Ma .
SHRIMP U-Pb concordia ages of the cores of rounded zircons are 620 and 219 Ma , suggesting that the parental magma for the quartz diorite porphyry may have been derived from partial melting of basement materials of the South China block that had been modified by ultrahigh-pressure metamorphism .
The hydrothermal deposits related to the first type of adakite are genetically porphyry type , with a Cu-Au metallogenic series . The porphyry and epithermal types of deposits are related to the second type of adakite , in aAu-Cu-Mo metallogenic series .
On the metallogenetic mechanism of the ALKALI-RICH PORPHYRIES IN CENTRAL YUNNAN
The metallogenic environment and potential of the porphyry copper in Xinjiang
The Yichun Luming molybdenum ore is a big porphyry deposits .