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  1. 尽管当时为了因应对外交涉的迫切需要,专门成立了一个蒋介石领导下的临时性外交决策机构――特种外交委员会,但其外交原则仍然体现着蒋介石攘外必先安内的基本原则。

    A temporary diplomatic institution led by Chiang Kai-shek & Diplomatic Committee of Special Type was established for diplomatic emergency , but it still held the basic principle of domestic calming must precede resisting foreign aggressions .

  2. 在处理内战与外患的关系上,唐廷奉行攘外必先安内的策略。第五章揭示唐代中期战争对社会的影响。

    In the relationship of civil war and foreign war , the central government implemented the strategy that " Resisting foreign aggression must first settle internal " . The social influence of the middle tang dynasty war was included in the fifth chapter .
