
  • 网络Jalaid Banner;Jalaid Qi
  1. 扎赉特旗蒙古人农耕定居后,物资交易有了新的特点。

    After farming settled , there are new characteristics with Jalaid Mongol .

  2. 扎赉特旗蒙古人的出售和购买的商品中,农产品的比重越来越大。

    Thirdly , more and more farm produce had been traded by Mongol .

  3. 扎赉特旗浅翻改良羊草草场实践经验

    Practice of shallow plough and improved sheep grass

  4. 以自制的碱液油砂清洗剂,在超声波下对内蒙古扎赉特旗油砂进行分离。

    With oil sand cleaning agent by self-made , separation on Inner Mongolia Zha Lai Te Qi oil under ultrasonic was performed .

  5. 因此,当时的扎赉特旗蒙古村还处于蒙古村落发展的初级阶段。

    The Mongolian villages in Jailaid Banner in the early days of the20th century were still in the primary level of the development of Mongolian villages .