
  • 网络Zawiya;Zawiyah;Zawia;Al Zawiyah
  1. 扎伊丹表示,二人称他们家乡扎维耶发生的暴力事件应由扎伊丹来负责。

    Zeidan says the men blamed him for the violence taking place in their home city of Zawiya .

  2. 利比亚政府坚持称政府军队没有杀害平民,只是对扎维耶等城镇加强了防御措施。

    The Libyan government insists that its troops are not killing civilians , and are only taking up defensive positions around towns like Zawiya .

  3. 天空记者:义军投入扎维耶枪战,称已经到达市中心,但卡扎菲政权否认,说自己仍然控制该城。

    The rebels claim they have reached the centre of the town , but the Gaddafi regime says it remains in control .

  4. 来自政府和反对派消息均声称自己控制了位于连接的黎波里和突尼斯之间具有战略意义的高速公路上的扎维耶。

    Both government and opposition sources claim they have control of Zawiya , which lies on the strategically important coastal highway connecting Tripoli to Tunisia .

  5. 正在为推翻卡扎菲政权而战的利比亚反政府武装声称,他们已占领了两座具有战略意义的沿海城市兹利坦和扎维耶,这两座城市都离的黎波里不远。

    Libyan rebels fighting to overthrow the regime of Leader Moammar Gadhafi , claim to have captured two strategic coastal cities , Zlitan and Zawiya , which are not far from Tripoli .