
  • 网络Ernst;Ernest;Max Ernst;R.Ernst
  1. 改进型恩斯特(ERNST)电极的设计与应用

    Design and Application of Modified Ernst 's Uniform - Field Electrode

  2. 思想就意味着超越&恩斯特·布洛赫对马克思主义传统做出的创新

    Thought Means Surpass : Ernst Bloch 's Innovation on Tradition of Marxism

  3. 他想起马克斯,恩斯特、玛丽莲-梦露和在寓所里的那个女人;

    He thinks of Max Ernst , Marilyn Monroe and the woman in the apartment ;

  4. 对新人、新世界的呼唤&恩斯特·布洛赫与德国表现主义

    A Call for a New Man and a New World : Ernst Bloch and the German Expressionism

  5. 希姆莱共有兄弟三人:格伯哈特、海因里希和恩斯特,后者是该书作者的祖父。

    There were three Himmler brothers : gebhard , Heinrich and ernst , the author 's grandfather .

  6. 迈向人的社会形式的社会主义&恩斯特·布洛赫与社会主义理论的重建

    Striding towards the Socialism of " the Human Being 's Form ": Ernst Bloch and Reconstruction of Socialism Theory

  7. 苏格拉底的对话被莱辛创造性的运用到《恩斯特与法尔克》和《论人类的教育》中。

    Conversation of Socrates was creatively used in Order-Ernst and Falk and Discussion on Education of Mankind by Lessing .

  8. 摘要恩斯特?卡西尔“人-文化-符号”三位一体的文化观念已经为国内学者熟悉和接受。

    Ernst cassirer 's three-dimensional cultural conception that is " people culture-symbol ", is well known to and has been accepted by scholars in china .

  9. 富恩斯特此次来京是参加中美执法合作定期会议的,其主要议题包括网络犯罪和贩卖人口等。

    Fuentes was speaking in Beijing where he was attending a regular dialogue with Chinese counterparts to coordinate on law enforcement issues ranging from cybercrime to human smuggling .

  10. 不来梅正在寻找另一名国脚恩斯特的替代者,后者将在本赛季结束后加盟沙尔克04队。

    Bremen is seeking a replacement for Fabian Ernst , another German international who is leaving at the end of the season as a free agent to join Schalke .

  11. 在这群有责任感的知识分子中,作为西方马克思主义哲学开创者之一的恩斯特?布洛赫是最典型的一个。

    Among this group of intellectuals who have a sense of responsibility , Ernst Bloch , regarded as one of the pioneers of Western Marxist philosophy , is the most typical one .

  12. 恩斯特承认在得知出现技术故障后,他们立刻通知俄罗斯电视台,把画面切换到了事先准备好的备播带上。

    Mr Ernst said as producers had known several seconds in advance that the ring would not pop up they were able to alert the Russian channel , which broadcast some pre-shot footage instead .

  13. 他在《底特律医学报》上读到一篇关于瘾品治疗价值的文章后,随即便向他的朋友和同事恩斯特冯弗雷氏马科斯科推荐了这种无害的替代物。

    Having read a report in the Detroit Medical Gazette concerning its value in the treatment of addictions his next step was to recommend the substance as a harmless substitute to his friend and colleague , Ernst von fleischl-marxow .

  14. 尽管标题与伊娃·恩斯特的经典话剧《阴道独白》有异曲同工之妙,但是法雷尔说:《阴道独白》很大程度上是讲女性的解放&这是我的身体,这是我。

    Although the title echoes ( 4 ) Eve Ensler 's hit play " The Vagina Monologues ", Farrell said : The Vagina Monologues is very much about women 's liberation & this is my body , this is me .