
  1. 有情众生的怙主,大千世界你无处不在。

    Glorious refuge of sentient being , everywhere in the universe .

  2. 也代表了观音菩萨、文殊菩萨、金刚手菩萨三怙主。

    Moreover , they represent the three fanitees & Avalokitesvara Buddhisattva , Manjushri Buddhisattva and Vajrapani Buddhisattva .

  3. 事后向怙主报告该档案无法上传,并祈求怙主加持电脑运转顺利。

    Later I reported to my Guardian Master that the file could not be uploaded and asked him to bless the computer to function smoothly .

  4. 第三次:华文网页的一个特色是将怙主平时对弟子或佛友所请示的珍贵教示呈登出来。

    The Third One : One special characteristic of this Chinese website is to present my Guardian Master 's precious teachings in his daily replies to questions raised by disciples or Dharma friends .

  5. 怙主即指示可能护法不让我们将此篇上传,因此要我卸下此档案另外存档保留。

    My Guardian Master indicated that this could mean that the Dharma protectors would not allow us to upload this article , so he instructed me to remove this file and save it separately .