
  • 网络wehrmacht;Bundeswehr;Reichswehr
  1. 幸好德国国防军在俄罗斯的大屠杀中被击溃,十个德国士兵中有九个牺牲,他们才能表现的这么谨慎。

    Thanks to the bloodbath in Russia , where the Wermacht was broken and nine out of ten German soldiers who died in the war met their end , they could permit themselves to be more cautious .

  2. 首先简要介绍了反渗透净水装备的净水流程,然后分别介绍了美军、加拿大军队、德国联邦国防军、韩国军队和日本自卫队的现有反渗透净水装备。

    This paper briefly introduces the working flows of reverse osmosis purifying equipment , and then the equipment in service in America , Canada , Bundeswehr , Korea and Japanese armies are also presented .