
  • 网络Deloitte;Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu;Deloitte Touche;Deloitte LLP;DTTL
  1. 根据德勤会计师事务所(Deloitte&Touche)的数字,如今它的年收入在所有足球俱乐部名列第一,为5.381亿美元。

    Today it has the largest annual revenues of any soccer club , according to Deloitte & Touche -- some $ 538.1 million .

  2. 去年9月,审计与咨询公司德勤会计师事务所(DeloitteToucheTohmatsuLtd.)的中国子公司在其新浪微博的招聘页面上推出了“德勤在线之旅”。

    The China division of auditing and consulting company Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Ltd. last September offered a ' virtual office tour ' on its career page on Sina Corp. 's Weibo , a Twitter-like Web-messaging service .

  3. 德勤会计师事务所(Deloitte)便在公司内部和客户中推广一种不同于“职业阶梯”的理念:即“职业网格”,这个比喻指的便是目前兴起的平级岗位调动或斜向岗位调动。

    Deloitte has popularized the notion , both in-house and with clients , of a " career lattice " rather than a " career ladder " & a metaphor for the often sideways or diagonally up-or-down directions in which careers move today .

  4. 德勤会计师事务所是这家公司最早的客户之一,德勤去年在伦敦总部办公室安装了这一系统。

    One of the company 's first clients was Deloitte , which installed the system at its flagship London office last year .

  5. 正是基于该原因,来自密歇根大学化学工程专业的23岁的孙浩(音译)从求职大军中脱颖而出,于近日被德勤会计师事务所录用。

    That 's what made Sun Shao , 23 , a chemical engineering major from University of Michigan , stand out and land an offer from Deloitte recently .

  6. 例如,由德勤会计师事务所下属机构德勤经济发布的一份报告显示,睡眠障碍使得澳大利亚每年遭受51亿澳元(合320亿人民币)的经济损失,这主要源自于工作效率丧失。

    For instance , sleep disorders cost the Australian economy AU $ 5.1 billion ( 32 billion yuan ) every year , the majority of which is due to lost productivity at work , a report by Deloitte Access Economics revealed .

  7. 中国内部审计协会与德勤会计师事务所联合发布的《2009年内部审计热点问题调查报告》显示,金融危机促使企业管理者进一步提高对内部审计的重视程度,现代企业越来越关注企业风险。

    The Investigation Report about Internal Auditing Hot Issues of 2009 issued by China Institute of Internal Audit and Deloitte & Touche LLP accounting firms together tells that financial crisis urge enterprise managers to further enhance attention to internal auditing and modern enter-prises are concerned about enterprises risk increasingly .

  8. 德勤德勤会计师事务所律师及高级顾问陈清霞:“全市范围的检测是遏制香港疫情最佳也是最根本的方法。正如许多传染病专家指出的那样,大规模的核酸检测对于及时隔离及时治疗的感染者来说是必要的。”

    Eliza Chan is a lawyer and a senior advisor to Deloitte . " Citywide testing is the best and ultimate way to curb Hong Kong 's outbreak of COVID-19 . As many infectious disease experts have pointed out , massive nucleic acid testing is necessary for more timely quarantine and treatment of people who are infected . "

  9. 恩格尔贝特在1986年加入德勤,此前在德勤集团的子公司德勤会计师事务所中担任董事长和CEO。

    Formerly chairman and CEO of the audit subsidiary of Deloitte , Engelbert joined the company in 1986 .