
  • 网络dexing copper mine
  1. 江西德兴铜矿是一个细脉浸染型斑岩铜矿田

    The Dexing copper mine in Jiangxi Province is a porphyry copper ore field of veinlet-dissemi-nated type .

  2. ABC碎磨工艺在德兴铜矿的应用

    The Application of ABC Comminution Technology in Dexing Copper Mine

  3. 德兴铜矿ABC工艺流程生产实践浅析

    ABC Process Flow Production Practice in Dexing Copper Mine

  4. 比较详细地介绍了德兴铜矿采用ABC碎磨工艺的生产实践情况。

    The application of ABC communition technology in the production of Dexing Copper Mine is described in detail .

  5. 介绍了基于C/S模式的德兴铜矿大山选厂设备维修管理专家系统的开发。着重论述了系统知识库的建立、推理机的构造、数据库的创建及系统功能实现等。

    The paper introduces development of expert system for mine concentrator equipment maintenance management based on C / S , emphatically expounds the building of knowledge base , structure of reasoning mechanism , creation of data base and realization of the system function .

  6. 用Mac-12提高德兴铜矿铜金钼回收率的研究

    Research on Raising Copper and Molybdenum Recoveries by Mac-12 in Dexing Copper Mine

  7. 采用Tessier连续逐级形态提取方法,研究了德兴铜矿土壤中铜存在的化学形态和生物可利用性。

    Tessier 's sequential extraction procedure for the speciation was adopted to study speciation and bio-availability of Cu in soil of Dexing Copper Mine .

  8. 德兴铜矿也于1997年应用该技术建成堆浸厂,当年生产电积铜50t。

    Dexing Copper Mine Stack Leaching Factory was built in 1997 , in the same year , the negative copper output came up to 50 tons .

  9. Mac-12已工业应用于德兴铜矿,取得了较好的经济效益。

    Now , Mac-12 has been applied in Dexing Copper Mine and has also brought good benefit to them .

  10. 使用YC-111起泡剂,可以提高粗选段铜品位和铜回收率。该起泡剂已成功应用于德兴铜矿。

    The results showed that the content of copper and the recovery of copper in copper rougher concentrate are increased respectively with YC-111 .

  11. 为了给德兴铜矿酸碱废水治理工艺提供准确的酸性废水的酸度、碱性废水的碱度,TFe和Fe2+以及CaCO3的浓度数据,进行分析方法的研究和探讨。

    The determining methods for wastewater are researched in order to supply the correct data for wastewater treatment , such as acidity , alkalinity , and concentration of total iron and Fe 2 + , and CaCO 3 in wastewater of Dexing Copper Mine .

  12. 介绍了德兴铜矿大山选矿厂Ф5×8.5m球磨机主轴承润滑及静压系统的组成及工作原理和在生产实践中应注意的一些问题以及主轴承的间隙要求。

    The paper gives us a introduction of the configuration and working principle of the main bearings ' lubrication and static system about the mill . Some points should attention to in production and the clearance requirements of the main bearings are also described .

  13. 德兴铜矿矿山酸性废水中SO2-4含量大,如采用常规的石灰中和法,中和过程中产生的硫酸钙结垢严重,给工艺运行造成很多困难。

    There are a great quantity SO 2 - 4 in acidic waste water of mine in Dexing Copper Mine . If common neutralization method is used , the CuSO 4 which be produced in neutralization will form dirt seriously , which will bring much difficulty to process production .

  14. 德兴铜矿露天开采规划与实践

    Practice and plan of open pit mining in Dexing Copper Mine

  15. 德国凤凰公司钢芯输送带在德兴铜矿的运用

    Application of steel-cored conveyer belt made by Phoenix company in German

  16. 德兴铜矿运矿铁路信号微机联锁应用

    Application of ore railway signal computer interlock in Dexing Copper Mine

  17. 德兴铜矿计算机网络的建设及应用

    Establishment and Application of A Computer Network in Dexing Copper Mine

  18. 地质统计学方法在德兴铜矿地质建模中的应用

    Application of Geostatistical Method in Geological Modeling of Dexing Copper Mine

  19. 旋流器在德兴铜矿铜钼分离工艺中的应用

    Application of hydrocyclone in Cu-Mo separation process in Dexing Copper Mine

  20. 德兴铜矿伴生有价元素回收的生产实践

    Production Practice of Recovering Associated Valuable Elements in Dexing Copper Mine

  21. 周边辊轮传动浓缩机在德兴铜矿的应用实践

    Application of Thickener Driven by Peripheral Rollers in Dexing Copper Mine

  22. 德兴铜矿西源排土场高台阶排土稳定性研究

    Study on High-bench Dumping at Xiyuan Dump Dexing Copper Mine

  23. 德兴铜矿铜精矿脱水生产实践与探索

    The Practices and Research on Copper Concentrate Dewatering in Dexing Copper Mine

  24. 德兴铜矿酸碱废水水质分析方法

    Acid and alkali wastewater determination methods of Dexing Copper Mine

  25. 德兴铜矿三期工程选硫方案的探讨

    Discussion on Recovering Scheme of Pyrite in Dexing Copper Mine

  26. 德兴铜矿酸性矿山废水污染分析

    Analysis of acid mine drainage pollution in Dexing Copper Mine

  27. 德兴铜矿卡车调度系统的应用状况介绍

    Application situation of truck dispatching system in Dexing Copper Mine

  28. 德兴铜矿湿法炼铜工艺现状及存在问题

    Status and Problems of Copper Hydrometallurgy in Dexing Copper Mine

  29. 德兴铜矿三期工程的设计特点

    Design feature of phase ⅲ engineering in Dexing Copper Mine

  30. 德兴铜矿矿山废水治理现状及其前景

    Wastewater treatment situations and its future at Dexing Copper Mine