
  • 网络color vision;Colour vision
  1. MIT法用前馈型中心周边分离神经网络模拟生物的彩色视觉特性,融合图像的彩色自然直观,可用于多种传感器的彩色融合;

    MIT scheme derives from biological models of color vision and can be used to fuse multiple sensors . The fused image has natural appearance ;

  2. 基于彩色视觉的自动引导车路标识别

    Research on Landmark Recognition of an AGV Based on Color Vision

  3. 同时针对计算机系统还给出两种无条件安全的广义(k,n)彩色视觉密码方案。

    Also , for a computer system , two types of unconditional security generalized ( k , n ) color visual cryptography scheme are proposed .

  4. 彩色视觉门限及LOFAR显示的数学模型

    Coloured visual threshold and mathematical model of LOFAR display

  5. 移动机器人多目标彩色视觉跟踪系统

    Multi-object color tracking vision system for autonomous robot

  6. 一般接入结构上的彩色视觉密码方案

    Colour secret sharing scheme for general access structures

  7. 足球机器人彩色视觉图像的分割与识别

    Color Image Segmentation and Recognition for Soccer Robots

  8. 一个新的广义彩色视觉密码方案

    A new generalized colour visual cryptography scheme

  9. 彩色视觉中恢复饱和度信息的探讨

    Discussion of Recovering Saturation in Colour Vision

  10. 机器人彩色视觉研究

    Research on the Colour Vision of Robotics

  11. 在彩色视觉应用中,照明技术是影响成像的重要因素。

    In color vision application , the illumination technology plays an important role in imaging .

  12. 彩色视觉的杨-赫姆霍兹理论

    Young-Helmholtz theory of color vision

  13. 杨-亥姆霍兹彩色视觉理论

    Young-Helmholtz theory of colour vision

  14. 彩色视觉测量由于加入颜色信息的处理,系统硬件以及后期图像处理方法都不同于灰度视觉。

    The hardware system and image processing are different from grayscale vision because color information is an attractive addition to edge and shape .

  15. 精确控制光源光强,基于最大色差法得出彩色视觉传感器测量特性及与光源亮度的最优匹配关系。

    The best matching relationship of illumination intensity and color vision sensor characteristic was exploited by controlling the brightness of illumination accurately . 5 .

  16. 先天性色觉异常患者的彩色视觉诱发电位改变基于多显示技术的多焦视诱发反应图像系统的研究

    A study on examination of color vision with pattern-visual evoked potential Development of the Multifocal Vision Evoked Response Image System Based on Multidisplay Technology

  17. 在此基础上,提出了利用人眼彩色视觉特性来自适应控制水印嵌入强度的方法。

    Based on 3D DCT , we propose to change the watermark strength adaptively by taking account of the perceptual feature of human visual system .

  18. 由于彩色视觉系统较黑白系统更为复杂,从而增加了彩色图像质量评价模型建立的难度,因此目前对彩色图像质量评价模型的研究是一个富有挑.战性的课题。

    Color vision system is more complex compared with monochrome image , thus it is more involved to establish an objective color image quality assessment model .

  19. 并在此基础上,依据彩色视觉空间细节对应带宽实验,将亮度加权扩展网络扩展到彩色空间,实现了彩色细节的图像质量评价方法。

    And on this basis , according to colour visual space corresponding bandwidth experiment , make the weighted extended network method expands to brightness color space , realize the color detail image quality assessment method .

  20. 本文研究了离散彩色图像视觉特征模型,提出了图像可视信息熵、可视质量SNR(VPSNR)、步进聚类等概念;

    In this paper , visual model of discrete color image and conception of visual entropy and visual PSNR ( VPSNR ) are developed .

  21. 基于彩色立体视觉的障碍物快速检测方法

    Fast Method for Obstacle Detection Based on Color Stereo Vision

  22. 通过颜色比对实验验证彩色机器视觉相对于传统机器视觉的优势。

    Verify the advantage of color machine vision over that of traditional machine vision .

  23. 在彩色机器视觉系统中,光源是重要组成部分,而其颜色和光谱能量分布特性直接影响对彩色目标采集图像的质量。

    Light source is a key factor in color machine vision system . Its color and spectral distribution characteristics affect the color image acquisition quality of the target directly .

  24. 原发性开角型与闭角型青光眼彩色图形翻转视觉诱发电位的差异

    Color pattern reversal visual evoked potentials in primary open angle and angle closure glaucoma

  25. 字符显示彩色编码的视觉功效

    Visual Performance of Color-Coding in Character Displays

  26. 第五章探讨了彩色图像的视觉特性,彩色视觉模型与工业彩色模型之间的转换,提出了基于视觉特征的彩色图像分割系统设计。

    The analysis for the visual features of color image and the transformation between the color visual model and the industry color model , the system design for color image segmentation based on the human vision are presented in the fifth chapter .

  27. 主要是对二维视觉传感器CCD彩色摄像机、三维视觉传感器激光雷达、以及立体视觉进行了仿真。

    CCD Color Camera , Laser Radar , and Stereo Vision were researched and simulated .

  28. 彩色胶卷的人眼视觉敏感技术

    The Brief Description of HES Technology for Color Film Visual Kunming

  29. 研究结果表明彩色编码在缩短视觉搜索时间上比形状编码更有效,尤其在小字符显示时更有效。

    The results show that color coding is more effective than shape coding in reducing search time , especially when the character size is small ;

  30. 搭建了一套适合于电子束焊的彩色熔池图像视觉传感系统,实现了熔池图像的实时传感与采集。

    A set of visual sensing system of colored image of molten pool was fabricated which is suitable to electron beam welding , the system achieved the real-time sensing of the molten-pool image .