
  • 网络Zhang Zhao;cheung hei
  1. 现在我俩一起来拍张照,看看能不能打破Twitter转发次数最多的记录-

    So right now I 'm going to take a picture of us , and we 'll see if we can break the record for the most retweets -

  2. 得到这张照是完美的,一个家伙在地上,另一个在站起来,其他人站着,我必须得向后走半英里,Yamashita说。

    To get this frame that 's perfect , with one guy on the ground , another rising , other standing , I must have had to walk half a mile backwards , said Yamashita .

  3. 广场上满是中国游客,在他们眼里,我们一家人一定很新奇--人们坚持要跟我金发碧眼的丈夫合影,还把我5岁的女儿塔莉娅(Talia)从她的折叠式婴儿车上拉过来多拍了几张照。

    The square was thick with Chinese tourists , and to their eyes my family must have been a novelty -- people insisted on taking photos with my blond husband and pulled my 5-year-old daughter , Talia , from her stroller for more shots .

  4. 一定要让我拍张照。

    You have to Iet me take a picture of them .

  5. 我想跟我爸爸拍张照

    Hey , I want to take a picture with dad .

  6. 你能(用这只照相机)帮我们拍张照吗?

    Would you take a picture of us with this camera ?

  7. 我就在这里拍张照。

    Jane , I 'd like to have my picture taken here .

  8. 来吧,我帮你这个混蛋拍张照。

    Here , let me take your rotten bloody picture .

  9. 我可以替你和你的小男孩拍一张照吗?

    May I take a picture of you and your little boy ?

  10. 亲爱的,我们给萝珊妮拍张照吧。

    Honey , let 's take a picture of roseanne .

  11. 没,我只是来拍张照。

    No , I just had to get a picture of this .

  12. 请你帮我们拍张照,可以吗?

    Could I possibly ask you to take a picture for us ?

  13. 来吧,我想和你合张照。

    Come on over , I wanna take a picture with you .

  14. 我想和你父亲拍张照。

    Let me just get a pictur of me and your dad .

  15. 我甚至让房东给我们拍了张照。

    I even asked the landlord to take a picture .

  16. 所以,我就透过栅栏拍了几张照。

    So , I just took pictures through the fence .

  17. 我拍了几张照后撤离了商场。

    I took some photographs and then retreated from the exposed position .

  18. 快来,我们在这里合张照。

    Come on , let 's get a picture of this over here .

  19. 我终于和它近距离地拍了一张照。

    I finally and close it took a picture .

  20. 你妻子的这张照拍得不错。

    Your wife come out well in the picture .

  21. 菲利普让我给他和他的太太拍张照。

    Philip asked me to take a photograph of himself and his wife .

  22. 让我在这里为你拍张照吧。

    Let me take a photo for you here .

  23. 坐那儿,我拍张照。

    Go and settle over there . we 'll get a picture took .

  24. 可以替你拍张照吗?

    It 's all right to take your picture ?

  25. 站在洛伊丝身边,我来给你们拍张照。

    Stand next to Lois and I 'll take a photo of you .

  26. 我今年2月拍摄的这张照。

    I took this picture in February this year .

  27. 能跟我拍张照吗?哦。

    Can you take a photo with me ?

  28. 这些是我随意拍的几张照。

    These are some random pictures I took .

  29. 他甚至还为我拍了一张照,如此他可以把我的样子给大家看。

    He even took a picture so he could show everyone how I looked .

  30. 单车世界的记者们想给你拍张照。

    The cycling world guys need some pictures .