
  1. 周二上午,我国外交部副部长张志军与ChikaoKawai就两国双边关系,特别是双方因钓鱼岛事件导致的紧张关系进行了磋商。

    On Tuesday morning , China 's Vice Foreign Minister , Zhang Zhijun , held a consultation with him on bilateral relations , with particular focus on the tensions over the Diaoyu Islands .

  2. 张志军不会与台湾地区政府高级别官员举行会谈。

    Mr. Zhang won 't be meeting with high-ranking officials from Taiwan 's government .

  3. 张志军和朱北伦市长就双方经济合作进行了探讨。

    Zhang Zhijun and Mayor Eric Chu have discussed economic cooperation between the two sides .

  4. 张志军和王郁琦还表示,他们希望展开更紧密地合作来推进两岸旅游业的发展。

    Zhang and Wang also says they want to work more closely to support more cross-Strait tourism .

  5. 上周,张志军在台湾进行了为期四天的访问,他走访了台湾各领域的基层民众。

    Zhang Zhijun spent four-days in Taiwan last week , meeting with people from all walks of life .

  6. 张志军表示,他相信台湾方面会为同内地建立更好的关系而提供支持。

    Zhang also says he believes there is a lot of support in Taiwan for a better relationship with the mainland .

  7. 二阶非线性椭圆型边值问题因其广泛的实际背景颇受关注,张志军对其在R~N中的有界光滑区域时讨论了解的存在性,并给出了解的最小爆炸速度。

    The boundary value of nonlinear elliptic equations of second order is paid great attention to because of its abroad virtual background .

  8. 林飞帆称他希望与张志军面对面交流,但后者没有回应这一请求。

    Mr. Lin said he wanted to have a face-to-face dialogue with Mr. Zhang , who hasn 't responded to this request .

  9. 外交部副部长张志军告诉记者,在处理中日关系上中方必须坚持自己的原则和底线。

    Vice Foreign Minister Zhang Zhijun told the journalists that China has to uphold principles and bottom line in handling its relationships with Japan .

  10. 张志军在为期四天的台湾访问行程中,将走访台湾的不同社区。

    Zhang Zhijun is set to make a number of stops in different communities in Taiwan as part of his 4-day trip to the island .

  11. 在此次访问中,王郁琦与国台办主任张志军举行了首次正式会谈。

    During his visit , Wang held his first formal meeting with his mainland counterpart Zhang Zhijun , head of the State Council Taiwan Affairs Office .

  12. 张志军与台湾南部高雄市长陈菊会面时发表以上讲话,陈菊目前正在大陆港口城市天津访问。

    He made the remarks while meeting Chen Chu , the mayor of southern Taiwan 's Kaohsiung city , who is visiting the mainland 's port city of Tianjin .

  13. 张志军刚刚结束了突破性的访台之行,他对郝龙斌表示,内地渴望继续同台湾加强联系。

    Zhang Zhijun , who has just returned from a ground-breaking trip to Taiwan , has told Hao Lung-bin the mainland side is eager to continue forging stronger ties with Taiwan .

  14. 张志军与台湾大陆委员会主任王郁琦今年2月在南京举行了首次官方会面。

    Mr. Zhang and his counterpart , Wang Yu-chi , chairman of Taiwan 's Mainland Affairs Council , met in their official capacities for the first time in Nanjing , China , in February .

  15. 据报道,张志军向骆家辉表示:中方强烈敦促美方充分认清美售台武器问题的高度敏感性和严重危害性,认真对待中方严正立场,恪守承诺,立即撤销错误决定。

    China strongly urges the US to be fully aware of the high sensitivity and serious harm of the issue , seriously treat the solemn stance of China , honour its commitment and immediately cancel the wrong decision , he was quoted as telling Mr Locke .