
  • 网络Patra;Patras;Pdtra;Nili Patera
  1. 克丽莎到处寻找帕特拉,最后发现她在现场的一个角落里忙活着。

    Chryssa hunted for Patra , and found her busy at a corner of the site .

  2. 假如我们现在露面,克里奥帕特拉一定会发怒的。

    Cleopatra will be furious if we show up now !

  3. 六年前,里朗斯运营着泰晤士河南岸的莎士比亚环球剧场,在那里他以饰演克里奥帕特拉和哈姆雷特而声名卓著。

    Six years ago Mr Rylance was running Shakespeare 's Globe Theatre on the south bank of the River Thames , where he distinguished himself by playing Cleopatra as well as Hamlet .