
  • 网络Sunda Plate
  1. 巽他板块插入了曲线并使得印度倾斜。

    The Sunda Plate noses into the curve , and tilts India .

  2. 发生了什么使得巽他板块完全下沉到我们预测的程度似乎被推迟了?

    What has occurred to seemingly delay the complete sinking of the Sunda Plate to the degree we predicted ?

  3. 为什么巽他板块上只有齐塔人预测下沉的这些地区正在加速?

    Why only these regions on the Sunda Plate where the sinking predicted by the Zetas is picking up speed ?

  4. 我们预测过南美的滚动可能会迅速跟在巽他板块的下沉之后发生,因为它们之间关系密切。

    We predicated the S American roll to potentially quickly follow the drop in the Sunda Plate because they are closely related .

  5. 由于印度-澳大利亚板块在新西兰处发生抬升,印度下沉,这不仅促进了巽他板块的下沉。

    As the Indo-Australian Plate lifts at New Zealand , sinking India , more than the sinking of the Sunda Plate is facilitated .

  6. 西苏门答腊位于下沉的边缘,巽他板块在那里下沉并插入承载苏门答腊岛和爪哇的曲线下方。

    West Sumatra is on the sinking edge , where the Sunda Plate dips down and under the curve holding Sumatra and Java .

  7. 根据齐塔人的说法,巽他板块可以被当作是亚欧板块的延长,但是舌部地带有一个明显的界线。

    Per the Zetas , the Sunda Plate operates as an extension of the Eurasian Plate , but the tongue has a distinct border .

  8. 曼谷附近的区域看起来已经达到了我们预测的40英尺下沉,但是巽他板块的下沉并没有结束因为其他部分还没有达到我们预测的程度。

    This region near Bangkok appears to be reaching the40 foot elevation drop we predicted , but this is deceptive as other parts of the Sunda Plate have not yet completed .

  9. 在附近的缅甸,同样位于预期第七阶段巽他板块下沉期间会下沉并遭受洪水的低地,同样报道了过多的徘徊不散的洪水。

    In nearby Myanmar ( Burma ), which is also in lowland expected to sink and flood during the7 of10 sinking of the Sunda Plate , excessive and lingering flooding is also reported .

  10. 我们已经给出了我们对巽他板块下沉和南美滚动时间的客观猜测,因为不这样做的话将可能会给人类带来伤害。

    We have given our prediction on the sinking of the Sunda Plate and the S American rolls our outside guess on timing , as to do less would be a disservice to mankind .

  11. 穿过太平洋看去,在同一纬度上,在赤道线上,你会看到巽他板块和南美滚动的戏码都在这条线上。

    Look across the Pacific , on the same latitude , on the line of the Equator , and one sees the Sunda Plate and the drama of the S American roll on this line .

  12. 我们提到过虽然看起来好像吕宋岛在菲律宾板块上,这其实是在巽他板块上与菲律宾相连的土地,因为下面的岩层是属于巽他板块的。

    We have mentioned that though Luzon appears to be on the Philippine Plate , this is a land mass attached to the Philippines on the Sunda Plate because underlying rock strata hold it to the Sunda Plate .

  13. 巽他板块,经常被称为欧亚大陆板块的舌部,作为欧亚大陆板块的延伸,但是由于舌部在苏门答腊和爪哇下方的曲线处被推挤而弯曲。

    The Sunda Plate , often called the tongue of the Eurasian Plate , acts as an extension of the Eurasian Plate , but bends down as the tongue is shoved under the curve below Sumatra and Java .